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The quality that a woman respects most in men: control of feelings. When a man controls his sexual desire and when this desire is directed at one single spouse or his chosen one. When instead of a glass of vodka, a man chooses a glass of water. When a man controls his aggressive emotions towards his wife and children and stops being hysterical like a “woman”. When a man starts hitting the table with his fist, thinking that this is how he asserts his superiority and strength, in fact, this is just a manifestation of hysteria. Women's instincts begin to speak in him. The reason may be alcohol, which reduces the concentration of testosterone - the male hormone; accordingly, the female hormone - estrogen - begins to predominate in the body, and this may cause his hysterics. Another respected quality in men: sensitivity. His ability to sense a woman’s mood. The best sign of sensitivity is the ability to listen to your woman. They say that loving your woman means being able to listen to her. When a woman is hysterical and scandalous, this is just her way of expressing her feelings and a way to get attention. During the first 15 minutes of such behavior, a man must have patience and the ability to remain accepting and understanding. Women do not need advice, she just needs to talk it out. Therefore, you should not immediately give solutions to her “problem” or run away from conversations. It doesn’t matter to a woman what she was told, what is more important to her is how she was told. Important recommendation! Praise the food after the first spoon or bite of what your woman has prepared for you. Praise first, corrections later. After several hours of standing at the stove, this is the only thing she is waiting for. All women in the family: wife, mother, sister and daughter are a source of energy for prosperity. Therefore, a man who does not respect a woman is the enemy of his own prosperity. A husband should think about protecting his wife, parents and children. A husband is a representative of the energy of protection, therefore, when a wife thinks about her husband, her family is protected, and a wife is a representative of the energy of prosperity, therefore caring for a wife is caring for everyone’s prosperity, and therefore her own. When a woman is happy and satisfied when she laughs and receives gifts, there is nothing to worry about. She herself is the goddess of luck. If you want to be happy, it is first important to make your women happy. A man's body does not mean that there is a man in it. Therefore, the best gift you can give to women is to be a man!
