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From the author: Women's trainings have become popular now. Sometimes clients come to me who only feel worse after such trainings. In this post I will describe why and what to do about it. Now so-called women's training has become fashionable. In pursuit of femininity, relaxation and happiness, women go to this kind of program. But do they get the expected results? Often trainers in such trainings cause conflict rather than harmony. Naturally unconscious. Not to mention the fact that there is no methodology for such trainings. And when you ask a couple of questions from the series: “What is the object and subject of the training?”, “What aspect of femininity (and there are about 10 of them) are you developing?” you don't get an answer to your question at all. In our society, in the collective unconscious lies the idea that a woman will stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut. This attitude manifests itself in many women. Of course, a lot depends on upbringing, birth programs, as well as the society in which the woman grew up. But it is a fact that there are now a lot of women who can actually stop a horse from running into a burning hut. That's how it works. The collective unconscious, ancestral attitudes, and social environment often foster in a woman a program to be strong. The West also imposes feminism. I'm not saying it's good or bad. Just a strong woman, in whom there is more masculine than feminine, does not accept this part of herself. She goes to training and is told to be weak, you’re a woman. What is the result? She catches the idea that a woman should not be strong, a woman should be weak and face conflict. On the one hand, the conflict is her nature, which she does not accept, and this is already a conflict, and on the other hand, be weak, a woman must be weak. That's all. The conflict has been created. Now she will try with all her might to suppress the muscular part of herself. So what will happen? She will lose her congruence, she will lose her grace, she will be unnatural. He will lose strength to suppress. As a result of incongruity, men will bypass or relationships will collapse, and energy, instead of developing and moving forward, will be spent on maintaining conflict. The best option is to transform this attitude and accept yourself for who you are. With all the pros and cons. Only then can a woman be congruent when she accepts and loves herself as she is. Then the real power of femininity will be revealed. Because all parts of oneself will be accepted and the person will be in harmony. And this is the most important thing.
