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I want to talk about women in the most productive period of life, women at the age of 40. In psychological classification, at the age of 40 a person enters the period of middle adulthood. The ancient Greeks considered it the age of man's prime, or the age of Acme. This is a productive time when you have education, professional achievements, life experience and still have enough strength to plan and realize your goals. Middle age is an intermediate period, a kind of bridge between two generations. Often at this age people feel isolated not only from young people, but also from those who have retired and lived to old age. Many are beginning to realize that they have already made a number of important decisions regarding their professional career and family life. And if you are satisfied with your career and family, you can continue to do this. The future already holds fewer possibilities. Women entering this period of life find themselves in a rather difficult situation. On the one hand, they already have wisdom and are still young, on the other hand, in recent decades the cult of youth has been preached in Russia. And many young girls of about 25 tend to consider themselves old and uninteresting. Particular attention is paid to external attractiveness and any deviations in appearance and behavior from media standards can be perceived as personal failure. Focus on youth and external attractiveness leads to the fact that women with non-model appearance and at the age of 40 consider themselves unpromising in terms of work, career and relationships with the opposite sex. Traditionally, a woman’s success is determined by the presence of a family, through the realization of herself as a wife and mother. And according to statistics, up to 70% of marriages break up in our country. Often by this age a woman already has experience of a failed marriage, and perhaps has children. It turns out that youth has passed, life experience is there, perhaps there are children. And quite obviously, there are fears about the possibility of meeting a new man, starting a new family. Having a negative experience of her first marriage and children, a woman chooses a new partner more carefully. It is absolutely certain that the new man will not be able to replace the children’s own father, he should not even do this! And this also complicates the possibility of choosing a new partner for an adult woman. What should you pay attention to when choosing a husband at this age? Firstly, you need to carefully determine the qualities that your chosen one should have, what you need from a man, from a relationship with him. To specify the list of requirements, it is worth thinking and writing down exactly what difficulties you want to solve with the help of a man. After the list is ready, you need to decide where and how you will look for such a man. How will you be interesting and attractive to him as a partner for a long-term relationship? Creating a couple in adulthood is always a relationship “with open eyes”, i.e. we see our partner objectively and the benefits of living together are enough to relearn how to be together, resolve everyday conflicts and help each other. For some people, the motto of life at this age becomes: “We must do all our business now.” Time passes, and yet it is worth taking carefully and seriously the changes that occur in life at this age. This could be a change from a routine job, but with a stable income, to an employment that is more to your liking. You should definitely consider your opportunities and risks that may be hidden behind changes. Age and life experience have their advantages. For example, some women report greater self-confidence as they get older. And this is understandable, because... they already know their strengths and weaknesses, they have the skill of taking care of themselves, and most often everything is fine with their career and professional fulfillment. Many have families with growing children. In adulthood, I want to see the results of my work,
