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At the current stage of socio-economic development, the load on the human mental apparatus is increasingly increasing. According to statistics, currently at least 30% of patients who come to clinics and hospitals with somatic complaints are essentially healthy individuals who only need a certain correction of their emotional state. In 50% of people with various functional disorders and diseases of the body, the clinical picture of these processes is aggravated by emotional exhaustion. Most patients are not aware of the possibility of preventing the emotional background of the individual to reduce the risk of illness. A long period of time in the development of emotional burnout leads to the development of various variants of mental maladjustment. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that currently psychosomatic diseases that are associated with emotional exhaustion include peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, ulcerative colitis, bronchial asthma, thyrotoxicosis, essential hypertension, rheumatoid arthritis, neurodermatitis. The reasons are both emotional-imaginative and psychosomatic blocks that come from childhood, as well as constant stress and experiences in modern life. According to the conversion model of 3. Freud, there is a mechanism for transferring mental conflict into disruption of the internal systems of the body, which lead to somatic diseases. The energy of the neurotic reaction of the unconscious psychological conflict, which has not received an outlet in the corresponding external manifestation, leads to emotional burnout, accompanied by sustainable changes in the autonomic nervous system. With a prolonged reaction of psychological conflict, pathological processes increase, which can lead to damage to organ tissue. Identification of emotional-imaginative and psychosomatic blocks by conventional research methods is not possible. For this purpose, the author’s program “MYROTOK” was developed, in which, with the help of picturesque paintings, it allows one to penetrate into the patient’s inner world. The diagnostic tool is a set of 48 reproductions of paintings by I. E. Benditsky, which reflect various emotional-imaginative states, with a projection onto somatic problems corresponding to certain parts of the spinal column. The subject selects 5 paintings from a series of reproductions of MIROTOK, based on the principle of sympathy and antipathy. It is known that every person has a predisposition to certain diseases, both mental and psychosomatic, which can manifest in him in the event of the activity of emotional-imaginative and psychosomatic blocks and an imbalance in the influence of external and internal environmental factors. The selected 5 paintings show the area of ​​localization of dominant emotional-imaginative and psychosomatic blocks. Based on these pictures, the degree of negative energetic unconscious impact on the body is determined - emotional burnout. During the study, the relationship was determined between the degree of emotional burnout associated with the activity of emotional-imaginative and psychosomatic blocks, reflecting the structure of the unconscious on the one hand, and the somatic status of a person on the other; To determine the risk of emotional burnout of employees and methods of prevention and treatment of these disorders in enterprises and determining the connection between the degree of emotional burnout associated with the activity of emotional-imaginative and psychosomatic blocks and the somatic status of a person, a model of an optimal comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation program for enterprises was created: Based on this, to prevent emotional burnout, it is necessary to carry out measures in two directions: - Prevention of the formation Andelimination of EOB to save emotional energy life potential - Prevention of emotional energy losses in everyday life. further to emotional burnout. Depending on the degree of susceptibility to EOB and HMB and the severity of emotional exhaustion in people who were examined under the MIROTOK program, 3 groups were identified: 1. Initial period of EB - when the patient has a feeling of loss of self-efficacy and begins to decline self-esteem in professional and everyday activities. (up to 50% risk coefficient of EOB degree of emotional exhaustion of the body)2. The middle period of EV is when emotional detachment at work develops, there is little interest in professional activities, there is no or weak emotional response to positive or negative circumstances, and interest in family relationships begins to be lost. (from 50-75% risk coefficient EOB degree of emotional exhaustion of the body)3. Difficult period: EV - when a person is completely absorbed in work, refuses needs that are not related to it, forgets about his own needs, and then the first sign occurs - exhaustion. (More than 75% risk coefficient of EOB degree of emotional exhaustion of the body) Main measures aimed at preventing and treating “EV”. Real life is associated with constant experiences, both positive and negative. Therefore, learning to control your emotional energy and optimally realize it is the basis of a modern person. The MIROTOK program allows you to select an individual program to restore and maintain a stable emotional energy flow. For example: a good sports coach, when preparing future athletes, must first teach them how to fall correctly, and then give them a large stress load; if this is not done, then emotional burnout develops. In life, proper preparation of the individual and specialist will help to avoid emotional breakdowns: In addition, it is necessary to take into account that with combined emotional burnout, psychosomatic symptoms are complicated by anxiety and depressive disorders and, in extreme cases, suicide. Mandatory symptoms that occur with EV will be: headache, changes in blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances, gastrointestinal disorders. Therefore, the patient must be consulted by doctors of other specialties to exclude other pathologies. Comprehensive treatment of EMOTIONAL BURNOUT. according to the MIROTOK program. aims to restore human health using natural methods. The methods of self-recovery and maintenance of stable health are based on a system of teaching a person mastery of rhythmic processes, both internal - occurring in the human body, and external - occurring in the world around him. Which allow you to eliminate bodily-biological, psychosomatic and emotional-imaginative processes in the body. With the help of visual perception of the paintings of I. E. Benditsky, which are part of the educational, health-improving and treatment-and-prophylactic program “Mirotok”, first diagnostics is carried out, and then modeling of the optimal rhythm of life and emotional background of a person. With the help of visual perception of the plot, shapes and colors of paintings, the viewer develops an imaginative creative process of restoring a positive creative process. The complex method allows not only to eliminate existing therapeutic pathological phenomena, but also to teach the patient preventive measures to maintain his own body in a stable, healthy state. This makes it possible to eliminate not only already formed therapeutic problems, but also to carry out a comprehensive restructuring of the entire human body. The musculoskeletal system is the basis of the biomechanical processes of the whole organism and, naturally, various violations of their normal position lead to disruption of the functions of all internal organs. U
