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Dear, beloved, dear, good person, how are you doing, how are you feeling? You've had to live so much. There were different things in life, so many different events, both pleasant and not so pleasant. I know there were both joyful and happy times. And sometimes it was and is and is now difficult, and it hurts... sometimes it’s lonely, scary, sad... it also happens, it probably happens to everyone. But you always managed to cope. Sometimes, maybe there was even a feeling that nothing was working out. But all the same, what you did was the best decision in that situation at that time. Everything was done correctly, no doubt about it. And time also showed that everything was done correctly. You always try to be better, and you succeed. And even when it doesn’t work out, never despair and never dare to doubt yourself, your strengths, your abilities. Because nature has awarded you with the unique qualities that you can have, never doubt it. Even if you hear condemnation or dissatisfaction from strangers, or, sometimes even close people, towards you, remember the good things that are in your soul, everything is fine with you, everything is fine with you. Don’t let anyone doubt you, no one ever. You have a very beautiful appearance, there was a time when you had doubts about this, but now you see what a beautiful face, eyes, nose, lips you have - your appearance is very harmonious and unusual . I love you very much, I will never let anyone hurt you, and I will never let anyone hurt you. I am always there, your feelings are important and valuable to me. I will always take your side in any endeavor, because I believe in you, I believe in the warmth of your soul, in your strength and intelligence, I know that everything will work out, definitely, even if not right away. Let love live in your heart, let it warm you, and help you feel your inner strength and support. You always feel how to find a way out of a difficult situation, you feel the right decision. Trust yourself, love yourself, and value yourself, your feelings, thoughts, body, spirit, life. Treat yourself and others with care, improve your life in any situation, no matter what happens, remember that if there is a task, then there is a solution, you will definitely feel it in your heart, and your mind will help you implement this decision.
