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In the article "What does it have to do with me?" I described the psychological portrait of certain individuals who lay down softly but sleep hard. You can say: “We want to know what to do so that they do not appear in my life, so that I can figure out such a person in advance, so that I can move away from his knife in the back !"Well, I’m publishing advice on this issue.1. It is impossible for such people not to appear on the horizon, they are everywhere, but it is possible to discourage a number of them from using us. Think about what character traits they use in their relationships with you, what shadows you suppress within yourself that could protect from unworthy individuals? 2. When you have already realized that such a person has betrayed you, set you up, shown your true essence, think about what, besides material moments, is weighing you down? What weak point did they hit? Perhaps you think that you don’t have the right to make mistakes, that only weak, stupid, losers do this. So, everyone can make mistakes, these people are very skillful at encrypting, so it’s not worth reproaching yourself for missing a blow. We are all living people and have the right to make mistakes. 3. When communicating with people, track your feelings, ask why they might have arisen. in relationships with “I have nothing to do with it” personalities, with outwardly positive communication, supposedly unfounded anxiety, bodily manifestations such as “tightness in the heart”, “heaviness in the chest”, etc. may arise; it is necessary to pay attention to such manifestations, since our intuition never sleeps! 3. It is useless to find out something with incomprehensible people, they will try to get out in every possible way, and they can reveal their cards only in the end and then often shield themselves. Therefore, leave “I-statements” and clarifications for honest people and those who are ready to negotiate with you, for those who are unethical - specific actions - not to let them do something, on the contrary, for you to do it, and not beg him not to do this and call for conscience , fire him, not fulfill your promises if he does not fulfill his, etc. The desire to talk to him, to find out what is happening, will suck all the juice out of you and will lead nowhere. 4. You were unable to recognize such a person in time and received a blow. What should you do? Here you need to separate two damages: - the specific damage you received: you lost your money, your job, your friends, they started to poison you because they lied to you and set you up... In this case, decisions are needed: what options will help get out of the crisis. - moral and personal damage. When you feel overwhelmed, betrayed, a gaping emptiness forms inside you and you cannot come to your senses. Here they can help: point one - allow yourself to make mistakes! Forgiving yourself, grieving, experiencing emotions, understanding what they are connected to, placing them in a safe space, for example, using art techniques, keeping a diary. Support of loved ones, activation of external and internal resources. How to come to your senses when emotions go off scale? Spiritual backpack. My author’s technique. When the emptiness begins to become smaller, the faster the correct action, the correct answer is found to protect against unwanted people. 5. If you recognize an inappropriate person, try to keep him at a distance. After all, his task is to gradually bring the person closer and gain his trust in order to achieve his goals. And, if today it seemed to you that it was safe and nothing like that was happening, you were in control of the situation, then tomorrow you will find yourself in the web of a spider, which will pretend to be a butterfly, bite off your wings and at the same time with honest, honest eyes assert: “I am not me, and the web is not mine." Reprinting of articles on the Internet is permitted with attribution and a link to the site where the article was published. You can sign up for a consultation with me using this link: https://www.b17.ru/tanov4277/#consultation and telephone: +7 (988) 576-88-85
