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From the author: To be completely honest, the fear of success is nothing compared to the life that awaits you after achieving it. Success cannot last forever. If you have conquered the peak, then only one thing awaits you - the descent. And the task is to recognize these moments in time and begin to move to new heights. The descent is inevitable, but it should not lead you to collapse. To fall down the slope of Life. Many people achieve the pinnacle of success only in extreme conditions - in risky enterprises, in war, in difficult times. In normal times, that is, when risk and pressure are no longer required, they do not always understand how to behave. They are given honorary titles, they carry out “social work”, meet with admirers and schoolchildren, imperceptibly turning into textbook heroes. There are people who already achieve such success in their youth that they are simply unable to surpass their own achievements. This also happens. So the question arises - what to do after the summit? Where to go? What should I dedicate myself to? This Digest is for your consideration. What would you think, setting wonderful goals and achieving them? How will you Live after Success!? This is not an idle question. We need to think about it now. He who is forewarned is forearmed. Arm yourself with knowledge and the willingness to move forward. There are people who cannot be imagined as old - Pushkin, Lermontov, Mayakovsky, Vysotsky, Yesenin. The genius of their creativity was a consequence of the extreme brightness of their character, which in turn was the reason for their early death. Strange coincidences of circumstances seem to help them quickly leave a life in which they will no longer be able to accomplish anything new that surpasses their previous creations. And those of them who continued to live are convinced that any success is gradually fading. Almost no one can perform feats or create great works until old age. The winner usually experiences his own triumph. His name is still a household name, but people often ask each other, “Is he still alive?” Once again, stop and think. You set great goals, take action, wanting with all your heart to realize your dreams. But there ahead, in 10, 20, 30, 50 years, triumph awaits you. And what after? What happens after you reach the highest peak? What happens when you start descending from it? Where will you end up? Think about it! Right now, when your triumph seems so far away. Here are some stories from the lives of people you know. Read, think, ask yourself questions and act. Here and now, without postponing for later, everything that you can do for your future, For your life after triumph, after achieving success in life. Stories of famous people: YURI GAGARIN (1934-1968), Soviet cosmonaut, the first person to accomplish orbital space flight. Then he prepared for further space flights. He died on March 27, 1968 in a plane crash during a training flight together with instructor pilot V.S. Seregin. Gagarin’s name instantly became a legend, his smile was loved by the whole world. A gigantic wave of fame hit him. It seems that his subsequent life consisted only of receiving countless orders from the countries in which he was triumphantly greeted. It seemed that everyone wanted to be his friends. He was embraced by dozens of heads of state and was a welcome and honored guest everywhere. It was probably tiring at first, but then it became habitual. This went on for seven years. He hoped to fly into space again. And then he died, and no one can say whether the same attitude towards him would have remained the same if he had been alive. New times, new heroes... ALBERT EINSTEIN (1879-1955), the most famous physicist of the 20th century, author of the theory of relativity. Winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics 1921. In 1905, Einstein’s works were published, which brought him worldwide fame. From that moment on, space and time forever ceased to be what they were before (special theory of relativity), the quantum and the atom gained reality.
