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The question is how to continue working despite discomfort? Of course, let's immediately exclude: depression; burnout; severe / chronic fatigue. We will talk about how to do the things that I CHOOSE to do (because that this is about my values, I want this), provided that I am basically in a normal state, but I feel discomfort at the mere thought of the upcoming task or in the process of doing it.1. Notice the discomfort. When does it appear? What is he like? What thoughts and feelings, bodily sensations create a feeling of discomfort? Example thoughts (most often I meet with clients): I won’t do it well / as it should; I have to do it perfectly; It will be difficult, I won’t be able to cope; I don’t like what it turns out that this is crap (already in the process)… Feelings: boredom; fear; disgust; anger; sadness… 2. Breathe and accept. Usually, as soon as this story plays out in us, we either 1) curtail the activity, avoid it, or 2) continue with self-hatred, fighting these thoughts/feelings, forcing ourselves not to feel, not to think like that. Idea is to neither run away nor fight. Just notice that such processes are taking place inside, and I can observe them, breathe deeply, accept them. Giving them all space within myself because I am MORE than all these thoughts and feelings. I allow them to be because: they cannot be turned off, overcome once and for all, they will return; in themselves they are not dangerous, because I do not have to believe them and obey them (I can choose for myself what I will do next, what I will focus my attention).3. Increase contact with the present and involvement in the matter. So, I notice that inside of me there are such thoughts and such feelings. What's going on outside? This is the table I'm sitting at. What does it feel like, what color? Is it warm or cold? There is an open document in front of me. There are letters written there. I sit in a certain position. In which? Do I want to sit differently, move around in my chair? Here and now I am in this room, at this table and doing this thing.4. Remind yourself - WHY. Now, when I allow everything that happens inside of me to be, when I stay in touch with what is outside of me, I can remind myself of my values. About why I choose to do this particular thing. Why is this important to me?5. Demonstrate a willingness to be committed to your values. I am now at the point of choice, and will be there a thousand times. Am I willing to choose to continue doing what is important to me, allowing my discomfort to be there and periodically return? I call it “I solemnly swear” (=make an obligation).6. Find helpers. I show determination to continue doing what is important to me. I can use any skills that will help me experience discomfort more easily: focusing on breathing, practicing self-compassion, taking breaks from work, writing unpleasant thoughts in a diary... Phrases that may be useful: I allow myself to do as I do. I refuse to demand a specific result from myself. I can accept myself regardless of the outcome of the task done. It's great to strive for the ideal, but in real life I can do what I can, as best as I can - well. I can focus on the process of work, and make it my goal to be in touch with what and how I am doing now (instead of focusing on what the result will be). Of course, the most common creator of discomfort during work is the inner critic. It is important to deal with it well, learn to fight back - and this is a separate job. Enjoy your work, bringing pleasure and interest to everyone!
