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From the author: S-theoryTraining company PartnerViolation of the right of “security” leads to the fact that either a person constantly tries to prove his exclusivity, demanding from others the satisfaction of his needs, increased attention to himself, or a person humbles himself and sincerely believes that “there is nothing in this world for me, I still won’t have enough.” With a normally implemented right, a person does not have problems with adequately expressing himself and meeting his needs. To put it another way, a person is able to wait - to postpone the realization of a need for a more suitable time and is able to build ways to realize his needs himself. If the right is violated, then in the absence of the skill of waiting or when it is poorly expressed, a person, having chosen the aggressive path, is not able to adequately assess the situation and simply demands that others “immediately” provide him with satisfaction. Naturally, he is impatient, capricious, extravagant, etc. He tends to blame everyone for not paying attention to his needs. Such a person sincerely believes himself to be offended, and everyone around him is to blame, for what exactly it doesn’t even matter, there will be a reason. And it is precisely through the embellished feeling of guilt imposed on another person that he realizes his needs. In the passive way, i.e. overdeveloped patience, everything is just the opposite: needs are provided as payment for giving up a lot just to preserve and not lose that little that he really considers his. Somewhere in the depths of his soul, such a person believes that by his birth he created big problems for his parents and that is why he is inclined to feel guilty for having needs at all. Feelings of unworthiness and jealous envy of other people.
