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Can a woman combine a successful business, a job that interests her, and family life? I began to ask myself this question more and more often when clients who were having difficulties in this area began to turn to me for help. To live a fulfilling life, a person needs to realize himself in what he loves, develop his abilities, achieve success and recognition from others. However, no less important for him is the care of his loved ones and their support. This creates a feeling of stability in life and gives it meaning. In order to create and maintain close relationships, you need time, effort, a willingness to make concessions, a desire to listen to others, and sometimes sacrifice your interests. When a woman is passionate about work and career advancement, she develops perseverance, activity, and the ability to use people to her advantage. Compassion, sensitivity to another person's needs, and empathy may prevent her from being effective in a highly competitive environment. A woman for whom it is important to defend her business depends on competition. She constantly compares herself and those around her to see who is better, more successful, stronger. She also treats her loved ones. This manifests itself in increased demands, comparison with others, and a desire to conform to the quality standard accepted in her circle. This creates a tense atmosphere around her, which also affects family relationships. When a business woman comes to me with questions about problems in the family, I suggest studying its impact on the family system. As a result, I came to the following conclusions: 1. A woman who is passionate about work stops noticing those close to her. She comes home to relax, take a break from work. It is important for her that her children do not bother her with their questions, her husband does not puzzle her with his problems, and elderly relatives who want to communicate do not bother her. 2. When it is necessary to solve some family problem, a woman uses manipulation techniques. This is familiar to her and saves energy. For example, instead of nurturing the child's interest in learning, she rewards his performance with gifts or money. 3. A woman who is used to managing, defending her interests, persistently achieving her goal, can find it difficult to come to an agreement with loved ones, take into account their interests and desires, and look for solutions that suit everyone. 4. A woman begins to notice discord in family life only when she is faced with its consequences. For example, when the husband starts drinking or cheating on her or the children get involved with bad company. Can a woman combine work and family? It is difficult to give a definite answer to this question. Maybe if she has the understanding and support of her husband. If both spouses are sensitive to the emergence of difficulties, they are ready to work to overcome them. She can’t if she is used to deciding everything herself, and relationships with her husband and children are perceived as an addition to her rest. What should a woman do when her family life is threatened? Some possible solutions: Learn to manage your time. It is important to understand that you need to invest effort in the development of a family, just like in a business. For example, to strengthen warm relationships, set aside one day a week when everyone will be together or plan to go on vacation together. Learn to switch from business relationships to personal, warmer and more open ones. It is important to understand the difference between communication methods at work and at home. Sometimes you need to specifically develop sensitivity, the ability to empathize, even tenderness and warmth, and learn to show them in communication with your children and husband. Learn to set priorities, be ready to sacrifice your interests and desires if this is important for the family. When you feel that you lack knowledge or your efforts have not led to results, seek professional advice. Family problems can be easily resolved when the family is ready to overcome difficulties together and comes to consultations as a whole. In my practice there were also cases when it was possible to change the family.
