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From the author: “The only sure way to win a battle is to avoid it, and the only sure way to continue the fight is to have the last word.” S. Mamontov Strong negative feelings (anger, indignation, hatred) are a consequence of a subconscious attitude that you have lost to someone in something, have lost hope, have lost faith, do not see a way out... Simply put, at this very moment you have lost faith in yourself to yourself. Anger is like a cry for help and a desire to be accepted, loved. Very often we take the habit of reacting with anger from childhood experience, when we, small and defenseless, are offended, hurt, teased and humiliated by one of the adults or peers. repeated situations, such a habit is consolidated and becomes a character trait. In our Russian society, it is especially clear how many people, having become adults, continue to behave impulsively, burst out in anger every time, thereby causing harm to themselves and others. I have repeatedly heard from psychologists, that holding in anger and other negative feelings is harmful and needs to be expressed. Understanding this literally, participants in personal growth trainings, having mastered such information, begin to apply “the acquired skills in practice”: they shout, argue, humiliate their opponents... Such behavior is fraught with falling into the trap: the more I shout, the more often I want to. A person finds himself in a vicious circle, the only way out of which is awareness and a change in behavior to a constructive one. The first thing to understand: The outside world reflects your inner state. If you think that others are to blame for your anger, you are mistaken. Only you are responsible for how you react to what happens. How you react depends on you; Second: Know that anger is a signal of your internal imbalance; Third: Anger is a consequence of the fact that you are extremely dissatisfied with yourself in some way; Fourth: Anger is the accumulation of a huge amount of energy, and it can be used constructively; Fifth: If you scream, you are wasting your energy; Sixth: Know that people who are weak in Spirit shout; screaming weakens it even more; Seventh: Screams destroy a person’s etheric body, making holes through which negative emotions, feelings, thoughts of other people can then penetrate. Eighth: Screams are often a consequence of a child’s position to have it right now or out of a desire to control. Ninth: If you yelled at someone, you caused pain that will remain a deep wound. Do you want that when this person meets you later, he will have a desire to say goodbye to you as soon as possible? Tenth: By hurting another, you are hurting yourself. This is obvious, because we are all particles of the One Whole. At this moment, you only hate yourself. But we were born for Love... How to cope with anger? More on this in the next article. Share on vk
