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It's okay to be angry! Yes, 1000 times! Tell yourself this and repeat it when you want to scold yourself for having a fight with someone. After all, it's normal to be angry. If you look at it, this emotion is given to us so that we can protect ourselves and defend our interests. The experience and feeling of anger is necessary to protect our psychological boundaries!!!! But what should someone who has not learned to use it do in life? How can you prove that your interests have the right to life? I don’t understand! There is another important point - what is considered to be open aggression is most often the force given to us by nature to stand up for ourselves, right now and at this very moment in time. But from childhood we are taught what is not allowed: to quarrel with mother, with adults, to be rude, to fight with peers, etc. Now let’s translate from the language of emotions, if ANGER = DEFENSE, then “You CANNOT defend yourself, it’s bad and unacceptable especially with elders, and with everyone else too.” That’s it). But just remember that if you feel anger, then it’s obvious an indicator that you stepped on yourself somewhere, crushed your boundaries, gave in, caved in - whatever you want, but it was at that moment that your boundaries were violated. It also indicates that your expectations from yourself or from a person, your desires or dreams were not realized and you are angry because you expected something different, because IT was IMPORTANT to you. And the feeling that has arisen inside will not just disappear, it will either be realized (of course, here it is desirable constructively), or will hide inside. But when there is too much of it inside, then the anger becomes uncontrollable, and other emotions are also added here: hatred, aggression, envy. Everything that is considered negative was actually once a desire to realize the protection of one’s needs and desires. Try to observe yourself in those situations when, instead of defending yourself, you are silent - what are you afraid of... perhaps you will see behind the fear what you really would like. Anger, like many other emotions, has a specific message and subject. That is, it is caused by someone or something very specific. And most often, you and your desires are behind this specific thing. Well, first of all, remember - it’s normal to be angry!!! And only suppressed anger is uncontrollable....
