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From the author: Interview with V. Geodakyan cor. “Weeks” was chosen for its brevity, illustrating the approach of a famous scientist to the problem. From the section “Evidence-Based and Predictive Science”Why men, why women? Stop trying to figure out “who is better” Alexander Nevsky October 18, 2010 at 4:58 pm Why did nature go further and, having created such wonderfully constructed creatures as hermaphrodites, divide them into two sexes? Geodakyan: Science does not answer this question! After all, by switching to dioeciousness, nature loses half of its diversity. If we consider the offspring that 10 earthworms can produce, we get 45 different options (each worm can breed with the other nine to create 90 new combinations, but half of all combinations will be the same, since the parents are interchangeable). What do we have with the dioecious method? Let's take 10 dioecious creatures - 5 males and 5 females. 5 x 5 = 25 options.n: The loss in diversity compared to hermaphrodites is obvious. Why does evolution need this? Geodakyan: Sex is a specialization according to two indispensable conditions of evolution: preservation and change. This is necessary for safe and economical evolution. The female sex is responsible for preserving the population “as is,” and the male sex is responsible for changing it and modernizing it. And this happens thanks to hormones. I proposed a new interpretation of sex hormones: these are substances that remove the system from the environment, i.e. protect the body from environmental influences and thereby inhibit evolution (estrogens) or bring it closer and accelerate evolution (androgens). n: These hormones appeared when two sexes appeared? Geodakyan: It is believed that yes. But in fact, asexuals should also have hormones - or their predecessors! Because asexual people also need preservation and change. Some are the first to learn everything new the hard way - and more often die. But if they manage to produce offspring, they pass this “new” onto the next generation. Others sit quieter than the grass - and preserve themselves for posterity. Why not “men” and “women”? Proper sex will save you from cancer? N: According to your theory, the “most feminine” women stand out - these are those with a voice tone from soprano to mezzo-soprano, the “most courageous” men - from baritones to basses, as well as “inner” halves - women and men from mezzo-soprano to baritones (see diagram). How might this approach affect the practice of treating hormone-dependent cancer? Geodakyan: It follows that we misunderstand what cancer is. We think it's a disease. For an individual - yes! But for a population, cancer is another regulatory mechanism that has existed almost as long as life on Earth. It regulates population diversity. In addition to it, there are two more such phenomena - natural selection and complete n: It turns out that cancer removes material that is dangerous to the population? It sounds blasphemous... Geodakyan: Unfortunately, the more medicine develops (organ transplants, cesarean sections, etc.), the worse the health of the population becomes. It is in order to successfully fight cancer that one must be aware of its true nature. Who does cancer kill? He doesn’t just stupidly reduce the population, but acts selectively. Like a scalpel, he cuts out what is less valuable to the population. Most cancer occurs among the elderly. Fewer are among children, which is logical: children are the most valuable, no children means no future for the population. In second place in importance for the population is reproductive age, i.e. individuals capable of producing offspring. Then active old age, those who no longer reproduce, but still work. And in the end - the dependents, the weakest old people.n: How does cancer “know” who is important to the population and who is not? After all, a person even at the age of puberty may not be sexually active and not give birth to children... Geodakyan: Yes, cancer should act automatically, there is no commission that decides: to leave these, to eliminate (destroy) those. - "Week" ). Cancer needs to distinguish a couple who fulfills their main mission from a couple who neglects this. Imagine,that when abstaining from sex, the body produces some kind of poison that kills the owner. If a man and a woman meet, they get rid of the poison. If they don't meet, they die. The most obvious thing is that during sex a man gets rid of seminal fluid.n: Then it turns out that by getting rid of his poison, a man harms a woman? Gives the poison to her? Geodakyan: No. The “poison of abstinence” produced in the male’s body, when entering the female’s body, “changes sign” and becomes a healing substance - an anti-carcinogen. That is, it is precisely its “main” hormones that are carcinogenic for the body (androgens for men, estrogens for women).n: What if a person has sex, but uses a condom? Geodakyan: According to statistics, in the 70s in Central Asia there was breast cancer was 10 times less than in European countries. This can be explained simply by the fact that in Asian regions there was less condom use! A condom interferes with the transmission of sex hormones. I had an idea to create a semi-permeable anti-cancer condom. Sex cells, hormones and viruses are different in size. The largest cells are sperm and bacteria, then viruses - they are medium. And the hormones are tiny. I talked to physicists, and they told me that creating a material whose pores would allow only hormones through, but would retain viruses, bacteria and sperm, is quite possible. So it would be possible to “deceive” nature and “pretend” that a person is actively performing his reproductive function, but at the same time use a contraceptive. If this idea is implemented, cancer mortality can be reduced. Who is valuable to the population: How could this approach affect cancer treatment methods? Geodakyan: Since the 30s of the 20th century, cancer has been treated with hormones of the opposite sex. When looking for some kind of medicine, they act empirically. They try remedies, including sleeping pills: what if it helps? When they were looking for a cure for breast cancer, they discovered that male sex hormones help. It didn’t take much intelligence to guess: if female cancer is treated with male hormones, then male cancer should be treated with female hormones. But here’s what’s interesting: if the doctor overdos the dose or duration of treatment, then prostate cancer disappears in men, but breast cancer appears. It turns out that these two types are related, are two poles of the same cancer? Then we can predict: when prostate cancer (or its homologous, i.e. corresponding female organ, the uterus) increases in a population, the incidence of breast cancer should fall, and vice versa. To be convinced of this, one book was enough for me - “Cancer Statistics in the USSR and the USA” from the 70s. The numbers given there completely confirmed my hypothesis. This relationship is true for different countries and different times in the same country.n: This is what concerns cancer among people of reproductive age - it chooses those who are “lazy” in sex. And who does he “prefer” in other age groups? Geodakyan: When in Soviet times they said “not a single slacker lived to a ripe old age,” it was not propaganda, but the homespun truth. Such an experience has been described in the scientific literature. A group of rats had their tails scratched and “infected” with viral cancer (a term our interlocutor insists on - “Week”). Then they were divided into two subgroups. The animals were fed and watered equally, but some were “resting” all the time, while others were spinning the wheel. The lazy ones died, the active ones survived. If you can no longer perform a reproductive function, but are still active, you are more valuable to the population.n: But what is cancer driven by, affecting the most valuable group for the population - children? Geodakyan: The fact is that childhood cancer is fundamentally different. In the USA, for example, only epithelial cancer is considered malignant. Epithelial tissue is the oldest. But as soon as this fabric appeared, i.e. cell membrane, cancer of the epithelial tissue immediately appeared. And in the spectrum of childhood cancer, epithelial cancer ranges from 0 to 2.5%, while in the spectrum of adult cancer - 95%! Childhood cancer is most often combined with genetic defects. The goal of childhood cancer is to prevent!
