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Sixteen-year-old Ira L. came to a psychological consultation with a complaint of frequent “bad mood.” “I don’t want to do anything. Inside there is only melancholy and weakness. I can lie in bed all day and not go anywhere. And it seems like nothing happened, but my soul is bad and “the cats are scratching.” Everything irritates you, you become disgusted with yourself. It seems that everything in life is bad and no one needs me…” says the high school student. At the age of 16-18, many girls and boys experience apathy, depression, and experience a feeling of loneliness and the meaninglessness of their lives. Some of them do not know how to regulate their internal states and completely give in to depression and apathy. And to alleviate such conditions, as well as relieve them, young people resort to smoking, alcohol, and drugs. But there are other, safer ways to get rid of depression, and these methods are not all psychotechnical, but also simply everyday. According to my observations, young men choose sports, physical exercise, meeting with friends, and listening to modern music to relax and achieve a good mood. Girls, for the same purpose, listen to calm music, cook delicious food (“I love to eat delicious food”), meet with friends, study with younger brothers and sisters, knit and sew, watch TV, play with pets. Yulia V., 16 years old , 10th grade student: “When I feel bad, I take our cat Muska, sit in a chair and listen to music. I’m calming down.” Vera M., 16 years old: “When I get sad, I go shopping, look at jewelry, cosmetics, and I’ll definitely buy something for myself, even if it’s a small change, an inexpensive lipstick or hairpin.” Recommendations from a psychologist. Don't despair. A person’s internal states are changeable and depression sooner or later passes and a joyful and cheerful state sets in. And you must always believe that depression will definitely pass. It is necessary to understand the reason for the bad mood. Maybe it’s a protracted conflict with significant people, an unresolved personal problem, overwork or chronic stress. In such a situation, it is necessary to eliminate or slightly reduce the influence of the traumatic situation or cause, or try to change your own attitude towards the problem, reducing its significance for yourself (“But I don’t need it,” “Let it be what will be,” “I’ll think about it.” Tomorrow"). Very often, the cause of depression is the time of year, for example, spring is the most difficult period psychologically for many. At this time, you should not overwork yourself or pile on a bunch of things. Taking care of your health will bring more benefits - increased intake of vitamins, fresh air, regular and adequate sleep. You don’t need to get hung up on your experiences, fall out of the usual rhythm of life, but don’t get overtired either. In moments of gloomy moods, it is useful to remember what was joyful and pleasant in your life, to restore in your imagination happy situations to the smallest detail, and try to relive pleasant emotions again. When communicating with friends and acquaintances, you need to prefer neutral topics and not “chew” your problems - this will only strengthen your negative state. And most importantly, during depression, do not make important decisions. At this time, many things are perceived in a distorted light and a person may do something desperately or commit an act in the heat of the moment, which he will later regret and experience feelings of guilt and remorse. Your psychologist, Elena Kudina.
