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From the author: Depression very often arises due to the fact that in a person’s perception there is a collapse of his usual picture of the world, or that which previously attracted his attention and set life guidelines, according to For some reason it has faded and lost its meaning. Depression very often arises due to the fact that in a person’s perception there is a collapse of his usual picture of the world, or that what previously attracted his attention and set life guidelines has, for some reason, faded and lost its meaning. What is a “picture of the world”? “Picture of the world” in the psychological sense of the word is those realities of life that have some meaning for a person. For example, for someone the main reality of his life is family: parents, brothers and sisters, husband , wife, children, grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts and uncles - they all line up in a person’s mind into a special system. For some, the center of this “universe” is their mother or father, for others it is their husband or wife, for others it is their child. There are people who, consciously or not, feel themselves to be the “center of the family world” and believe that everything should revolve around them. For some people, the picture of the world is some kind of more complexly organized and multi-level system. For some, the “axis of the world” turns out to be their career or some social scenario that is significant to them, which can include many components: career, social success, family, and achieving or maintaining some kind of social status. Who -he completely dissolves in creativity or science, and then his world is a set of scientific topics and problems in relation to which he somehow positions his strengths and his intellectual efforts. Sometimes this can be a narrow circle of specialists, whose opinions and judgments have some meaning for a person. Therefore, both the intellectual structures that they built and the means that they used are important. Those who have the good fortune to be captured by the creative process, in addition to what they are currently creating, can only notice the means for expressing their ideas and models from which they can build on in the process of creating something of their own. Social activity and professional activity immerse a person in the special specialized world of his profession, which represents both the work itself and the social dynamics that swirl around their affairs and work. In general, a person’s picture of the world usually has many spheres built into each other, or layers of reality distributed across different semantic levels. Depending on the importance and level of activity, something turns out to be closer to the person, something is relegated to the background. The collapse of the picture of the worldThe collapse of the picture of the world most often occurs as a result of the destruction or removal of the most important, key element from it. For a person whose family is at the center of the world, the world can collapse if her husband or his wife suddenly disappears, or that person around which the entire family cosmos revolved. For a person who has spent a lot of energy on building his career, the world can collapse if he loses his job and the opportunity to do what he saw as an opportunity for self-realization. The collapse of the picture of the world is very often accompanied not only by acute experiences and even protracted psychological stress, but also a loss of meaning in life. And besides, a person loses his usual methods of self-mobilization: both in the organizational and energetic sense. Another consequence of the collapse of the worldview is the loss of oneself. After all, a person occupied a certain place in the world he built himself and performed some function in this system, played some role in his big game. After the collapse of the previously existing image of the world has occurred, a person loses his place in it. So in this case we are dealing not just with low self-esteem, but rather with its complete absence, the self-image is destroyed along with the collapse of the world. Sometimes people do not realize what a big role in their livesplays their immediate and distant surroundings: those social connections in which they were included or in which they became entangled due to the vicissitudes of fate. Someone may talk about how much he hates the people with whom he has to deal, he may quite sincerely declare , that “I wouldn’t have seen all these goats in a lifetime,” or “this bitch, bitch or idiot,” but when this system of social connections disappears, a person can find himself completely helpless. Sometimes our enemies mobilize us better than our friends, and those who pull the soul out of us, “drink our blood,” “exhaust our nerves,” and drive us into hysterics, actually very much support us in our working tone and help us mobilize. Sometimes the collapse of the world occurs due to disappointment in past ideals and hopes. Then the whole world seems to dim, loses all meaning, the picture of the world turns out to be littered with all sorts of rubbish, from negative emotions to one’s own mental vomit. What made you happy and inspired you to great deeds turns to its dirty and unattractive side. Very often people feel sorry for themselves, for wasted time, wasted energy, and life flushed down the toilet. How to pull a person out from under the rubble of a destroyed picture of the world. Most often, having survived the collapse of the world, a person plunges into his psyche and his experiences. The main task of a psychologist is to pull him out of the abyss of grief, resentment, hatred and melancholy. Sympathy and experience can be allowed only for the sake of establishing contact with a person so that he can grab onto it, like a rope or a thrown life preserver. After all, the whole trouble is that after the collapse of the world, a person does not float on the surface of the “shipwreck” that happened, but is under the rubble of a collapsed picture of the world or he is rotated in a cycle of experiences, feelings, emotions that pull him to the bottom of his troubled soul. At the same time, the data emotions are not something transparent and pure; on the contrary, they are usually very dirty and unpleasant feelings, which make a person feel even worse. It is difficult to say for sure what may turn out to be that “lifeline” with the help of which it is possible to pull a person out of the depths of his experiences . Everyone needs their own approach. Someone really needs empathy, and if you approach him not just with “empathic listening”, but show the ability to force a person to ride his feelings and emotions, then he gradually “floats to the surface” of his psyche, so that you can already begin to work constructively with him. Other people can be pulled out from under the rubble of a collapsed world, gradually sorting out important and imaginary problems, false expectations and incorrect conclusions. In some cases, people have to be brought out of a state of destructive trance using “hypnotic techniques.” Restoring a new picture of the world To restore a new picture of the world, it is usually necessary to activate and develop various intellectual, creative and organizational abilities available to a person: from interpersonal and social reflection to the development of analytical abilities, observation and skills in understanding the logic of the organization and the lifestyle of other people. After the collapse of the usual picture world, a person has the potential opportunity to observe many alien worlds. To some extent, this can be perceived as a gift of fate, but more often than not, people find it very difficult to distract themselves from contemplating the wreckage of their former life. The task of a psychologist is to show a person the various ways of life available to him, as well as demonstrate that he is truly capable of living in similar worlds. Here work is already underway not just with self-esteem, but rather with the activation of hidden and abandoned abilities, with the return of a person’s faith in himself. A very important task when restoring a person after the collapse of his life and picture of his world is to teach him a kind of net-working (networking), then there is the restoration and construction of a network of social contacts at different levels: from interpersonal relationships to the search for professional.
