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If there is NO LAZY, then what is so irresistible that we are faced with? (cheat sheet for big and small) “Laziness” is 1) a decline in the immune system or a physiological manifestation (lack of sleep, malaise, ate the wrong thing, etc.; a psychosomatic reaction to negative emotional experiences that have not been tracked, not lived and repressed)2) the so-called “lack of motivation” or procrastination, but in reality - CONFUSION of one kind or another.1. LACK OF information and/or resources (consider 3-4 possibilities to find them, remember someone who dealt with a similar issue)2. CONFLICTING requirements or information. From the series “stand there - come here” or the school “shut your mouths and quickly answer”, but in a more global sector or level. The way out is to choose any direction in the moment and move. If you don't like the result, come back and go to another one. This is for researchers and optimists. A method for those who are strong in spirit and/or mind: come up with your own third option for solving the dilemma) This also includes the option “They want one thing, but they demand another” or “They tell me I need this, but what’s really important is this” Remembered Tom Sawyer and his fence painting? This was the third option out of “possible two.”3. PROHIBITIONS and/or ORDERS from unconscious or poorly realized childhood. What is called the Scenario. Dad did not encourage worry and anxiety, scolded him for fear. You have to take a step into something new, and this is scary... When faced with a prohibition from childhood, a person “switches off.” Or a beloved grandmother used to say: “There’s no need to laugh - you’ll cry later!” You have to prepare for the holiday, but as if in a fog, everything falls out of your hands , and the brains don’t understand what and how to do. Is it familiar? 3) Generic loyalty. And this is a separate big topic. There is now a lot of literature and scientific articles about transgenerational transmission. If you want to understand this, you need to understand this topic. what is it, read A. Schutzenberger “The Ancestor Syndrome” or M. Wolynn “It Didn’t Start with You” And every time, instead of scolding yourself or someone else for laziness, determine what it really is?
