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From the author: The article was published on May 19, 2011 in the collection of materials of the fourth open scientific and practical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists (Perm) In modern conditions, professional competitiveness and earnings are increasingly determined not only by a high level of professionalism, but also by attitude towards the profession and recognition of its value. Therefore, it is important, as early as possible, to determine the professional area in which the student can work with full dedication and maximum efficiency. In developing the ability to independently make an optimal professional choice, it is necessary, first of all, to identify the level of readiness for such a choice and determine the content of this process. It has been established that an independent, conscious choice of profession increases a person’s self-esteem and positive self-image, reduces the frequency of physical and psychological problems, and strengthens life satisfaction (Kondakov, 1997, p. 122). On the other hand, the readiness for such a choice even among graduates has recently been decreasing (Pryazhnikov, 2005, p. 230). Moreover, avoidance of expressed problems, incl. denial of the value of professional self-determination (Feldstein, 1998, p. 18). In this regard, the problem of psychological support and increasing the level of readiness for mature (i.e., conscious, independent, socially oriented) professional self-determination is of particular relevance. In turn, diagnosing the level of readiness of a student for a professional choice occupies an important place in such support. At the same time, school psychologists urgently need compact, valid and reliable tools for diagnosing readiness for professional self-determination. Through our efforts, we have developed a questionnaire on readiness for professional choice of schoolchildren (GPVS). When constructing the questionnaire, the Questionnaire of Professional Attitudes (VPUS) by O. N. Zavyalova - A. A. Volochkova, compiled on the basis of the “Questionnaire of Professional Attitudes” by L. M. Mitina in 2005, was taken as a basis. In 2010, we revised the research results Zavyalova O.N. and created a questionnaire of readiness for professional choice of schoolchildren, which made it possible to clarify the structure of professional attitudes and was more compact, valid and reliable. The questionnaire was tested on a sample of n=104 adolescents, students of public schools in Perm. (Vakhrameev, 2011) In 2011, a second version of the questionnaire was created, in which the shortcomings of the previous one were corrected. The structure of professional attitudes was clarified, and the items were re-analyzed. This version of the study was conducted on a larger, age-diverse, and gender-balanced sample of high school students. The results were analyzed with a large number of modern psychometric methods. The structure of readiness for professional choice is represented by 5 components: autonomy in professional choice (autonomy - focus on the experience of others in professional self-determination); decisiveness in professional choice (an attitude towards the possibility of overcoming the difficulties of professional self-determination - an attitude towards the inability to overcome barriers to professional self-determination); activity in professional choice (an attitude towards active professional choice – an attitude towards avoiding the activity of professional self-determination); awareness of professional choice (the relationship between emotional and rational in professional self-determination); assessment of prospects in professional choice (optimism (idealization) - pessimism in assessment of professional prospects). The study of the new version of the GPPS took place in a sample of students in grades 9 - 11 of public schools in Perm (n = 150), among them - 53 ninth-graders, 53 tenth-graders, 44 eleventh graders; 78 girls and 72 boys. The age range of the sample was from 14 to 18 years. Study participantsIndividual text and consumable forms of the GPVSh questionnaire were offered (to the whole class at the same time). The questionnaire includes 50 items (10 items for each scale), arranged in random order. Respondents' responses expressed the degree of their agreement with the judgments on the items, graded on a 5-step scale ranging from 1 (completely disagree) to 5 (completely agree). The reliability of the GPHS scales was determined using the following procedures: reliability according to the standardized coefficient alpha (α) L. Cronbach, split half reliability. Two procedures were used to test the construct validity of the GPVS: 1) The structural validity of the questionnaire was determined by means of factor analysis of GPVS items using the principal components method, followed by Varimax rotation. At the same time, the empirical factor structure of the questionnaire items was compared with the theoretically expected one resulting from the theoretical model of the test (a priori criterion). The number of allocated components (factors) was determined by the Kaiser-Guttman criterion (the values ​​of the eigenvalues ​​of the components are not less than one) and the scree criterion by R. Cattell. 2) Concurrent, convergent and discriminant validity were determined by calculating the correlation coefficients (according to K. Pearson) of the GPWS scales with the scales of four other tests, hypothetically interrelated with the GPWS scales. In our case, these were scales of four psychodiagnostic methods: differential diagnostic questionnaire (DQ) by E. A. Klimov; motivational questionnaire of professional preferences (QPM-2) according to D. Barrett; The Learning Activity Questionnaire (ALQ) by A. A. Volochkov (Volochkov, 2007, p. 324) and the Perm Questionnaire “I” (PVY) by L. Ya. Dorfman. During the psychometric study, the following main results were obtained. Standardized coefficient alpha (α ) L. Cronbach compiled the scale points: Autonomy in PV. - 0.835; Decisiveness PV. - 0.822; Activity in PV. - 0.830; Awareness of PV. - 0.793; Confidence in PV. - 0.729. The scales also showed a high reliability coefficient for splitting from 0.903 on the “Autonomy in PV” scale to 0.742 on the “Assessment of prospects in PV” scale. Factor analysis of the relationships between the questionnaire items demonstrated the presence of five components corresponding to the stated theoretical structure. The results of cross-validation of the GPWS questionnaire showed that the scales of the GPWS questionnaire significantly correlated with the PVS scales. The autonomy scale in PV is significantly directly proportional to the I-author scale (r=0.57). The decisiveness scale in PV is significantly inversely related to the Self-Secondary scale (r=-0.64). A significant directly proportional relationship was found between the awareness scale in PV and the Self-transformed scale (r=0.40). The GPHS scales are significantly interrelated with the scales of the UAS questionnaire. The scale of activity in PT significantly correlates directly with the total scale of educational activity (r = 0.50). Significant connections were also found between this scale and the scales potential for learning activity (r=0.42) and learning motivation (r=0.53). The decisiveness scale in PV is significantly directly proportional to the scales of control over action during implementation (r=0.48) and the regulatory component of UA (r=0.47). A significant inversely proportional relationship was found between the awareness scale in PT (r=-0.54) and the scale of dynamics of modification of educational activities. Finally, we note the low correlations of the GPHS scales with the professional guidance methods of Klimov and Barrett. Weak correlations at the level (r = 0.1-0.30) with the above constructs indicate the high competitive validity of the questionnaire of readiness for professional choice of schoolchildren. Thus, the results of the psychometric study indicate a high level of reliability, structural, competitive and convergent validity of the questionnaire scales readiness for the professional choice of schoolchildren. The results of the work have both theoretical and practical value. In theoretical terms, thanks to psychometric research, the structure of readiness for., 1998
