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From the author: There are simple things that support our well-being. Problems do not disappear anywhere, but if you remove emotions from them, only situations will remain. There are steps that can strengthen your emotional resilience. You can turn them into daily habits that include vitamins, fresh air and exercise for your health. The first step is Gratitude. This is a lifeline for your heart. In the midst of trouble, it's easy to drown in despair. Gratitude for what? Gratitude for everything! For the fact that you breathe, for your aromatic morning coffee, for the warmth of the sun on your face, for the raindrops on the leaves, for your loved ones. Gratitude acts as a switch for suffering. Use it every day! The second step is Forgiveness. Nothing corrodes our soul and body like resentment, envy and anger. Forgive those who have hurt you. Forgive a boss for not appreciating you, forgive a friend for leaving you, forgive a stranger for stepping on your foot. It may not work out right away, but over time, it will definitely work out. Every time you feel that someone is disturbing the peace in your soul, forgive him. If you move on through the pain, the pain will be left behind. Bless her. Let him go. Your goal is not to take revenge on this world, but to gain emotional freedom. Step Three – Write. Make it a habit to get all the contents of your mind onto paper. Free yourself from negativity and problems. Express your feelings in order to better understand them. Write down the problem to better solve it. Putting your thoughts down on paper in the morning will give your mind the freedom it needs to take action. Free your mind at night and you're ready to sleep knowing that if something needs to be done, you won't forget. Step four - Silence. There is a lot of noise in life. Telephones, car radios, televisions, transport, people. Who can fully think, feel or establish peace of mind without paying attention to the volume? The best practice for seekers of silence is meditation. The practice of meditation allows you to observe and identify your own endlessly repeating thoughts, and thereby free yourself from them. Five minutes of meditation can break the endless internal dialogue with yourself, give you rest and open perspective. Silence, once you find it, allows you to shed your emotional armor, de-stress, and open up to listen to your heart. Step Five - Affirmation This is very helpful when we think in an affirmative way. Have you noticed how easy it is to slip into a downward spiral of disapproval and despair? A constant diet of fear and apprehension is very harmful to our emotional health. Learn to notice what you approve of. Make this your goal. Small events - a bus that arrived on time, a delicious lunch, a good deed by a child. Look for such moments and gain strength from them. Moreover, express your approval whenever you can. Step six – Fleeting feelings. Emotions are like the weather. Emotionally healthy people know how to pause in the midst of chaos and identify the dominant emotion - what is it: fear? anger? And tell yourself: “these feelings are passing through me.” This is true. Your feeling of anger will probably pass in a few minutes, and even if the anger rises to the surface, it will pass. You will stay. Take a few deep breaths with the words “the feeling of anger is passing through me” and a sense of reality will return to you. You will restore your emotional well-being. Step seven - Your own sources. This is very important. You yourself know what can serve as a source of positive emotions for you - work, a walk, reading books, playing with a cat, cooking dinner. All this actively restores emotional health. Identify these sources for yourself and be sure to use them more often.
