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From the author: A good student differs from an excellent student only in his belief in himself, his knowledge and the skill of self-control. The rules for controlling the process of solving problems can become the basis for the student in the absence of external control; subsequently they are internalized and become internal, involuntary actions. IS THERE lim? A good student differs from an excellent student only by faith in himself, his knowledge and the skill of self-control. It often happens that, having solved a task correctly, a student doubts it, although he has already double-checked it five times; begins to check with his desk neighbors, sees something different, crosses everything out in despair and leaves the task unanswered. Relying on someone else, not on yourself, is a mistake for parents. If a student believes that another person knows better and makes better decisions, and is generally smarter, this is a big problem, which in extreme cases leads to a refusal to complete tasks independently. Why decide? What if it's wrong? You can write it off and not experience the unbearable fear of failure and not feel your imposed imaginary inferiority. Such a child needs to rely on someone. Always look for outside confirmation that he has done it. Having not found external confirmation, the child does not doubt it, takes it at face value - after all, someone else knows better. Even if it’s the idiot Petya from a parallel class. The importance of someone else’s opinion and the insignificance of one’s own is the guiding motive. Searching for an elder, even if he is not one, more knowledgeable and confident - searching for a parent in others. It is impossible to rely on oneself - the parent did not transfer this function, did not teach, did not nurture. This is a big request and a reason for going to a psychologist. In the meantime, I can offer a few statements (I will deliberately not call them rules) with which in mind, a middle school student , may feel more confident in their studies. The statements relate to the specifics of controlling the decision process. Applicable to everyone, but it is assumed that the student already has the necessary knowledge in the disciplines. As a 100% excellent student, I can say that many children come to the following on their own. But not everything and not always. The child must have the skill of self-analysis and self-monitoring in a process that occurs automatically and in parallel with solving an endless number of problems. Actually, the latter determines the former. This is a skill, which means it can be trained. Memo for a 7th grader. Solving problems in physics and mathematics. Double check that you have correctly copied the problem statement or example into your notebook. The correctness of the solution depends on this. Do not skip intermediate steps in solving examples! Do not be lazy! Even when it seems to you that you can open three brackets in a row in your mind and immediately simplify the expression. As you write each step, you are more likely to see missing letters, degrees, and incorrect signs. And it will be easier to check. Every 2-3 words in the text of the problem contain a condition and valuable information. For example, “mass of a steel ball” - contains information about the initially specified density of steel, which can be found in the corresponding tables. Most likely, it will be needed for the solution. Having received the answer, do a check - substitute the result obtained into the expression or formula through which you solved. Don't be lazy, you'll save yourself time! Are both sides of the expression equal? This means everything is correct. Having received the answer, check it for plausibility. For example, in the answer it turned out that a 9.6 cm long cord burns out in 2 minutes at a speed of 0.8 cm/sec. Is this likely? Probably if the cord is as thick as a ship's rope. If you have doubts, go back to point 4. In tests and independent work, a simple example is not necessarily followed by a complex one. Don't look for difficulties where there are none! Tasks can be in any order. Exceptions are tests divided into blocks according to difficulty levels. There are problems and systems of equations that do not have a solution due to their paradoxical nature, when one condition completely excludes another. Check the text for common sense. If it seems to you that there is not enough data in the problem, re-read it again. Return to point 3, point 7..
