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It's no secret that self-esteem is formed in childhood. Its formation is greatly influenced by our family and our environment. Sometimes the family role of one family member automatically makes other family members weak. Every family has an idea of ​​what they are like. This is the so-called family myth. The purpose of the myth is to distort real ideas about family members. This is a kind of psychological defense mechanism to keep the family intact. In the family system there is a rescuer scenario. The family that takes everyone out on myself. Sometimes it is one family member who saves everyone else. In such a family they often say that this person is their support and support, without him everything would collapse. The rescuer may say: “We must save,” “We must help them.” A rescuer can share time, money, health: he gets someone out of prison, sacrificed his savings for someone, admitted someone to a clinic, gave someone a kidney. He is indispensable for the family. And to maintain this myth, other family members unconsciously correspond: they find themselves in various unpleasant situations, lead an asocial lifestyle, lose their jobs, and sometimes even get to the point of “getting” disability. After all, a rescuer needs to take care of someone, if this is not possible happens, then the family system may fall apart. The rescuer sometimes gets tired and angry, but fulfills his role. In partnerships, this is complete codependency, where one without the other is like “without hands.” At the same time, the rescuer forgets about himself. It is difficult to break this vicious circle, but it is possible if all adults are given responsibility for their lives. With respect and gratitude for your attention, your psychologist Yulia Zhukova. © Zhukova Yu. V., 2023 I would be glad if you share your opinion in the comments and click the “say thank you” button under the article, this will inspire me to write the next one...-------------- -------------------------You can also subscribe to article updates to be the first to receive recommendations and tips on how to be confident in all areas of life - To do this, click on the “subscribe” button under my photo in the right sidebar. Sign up for a consultation in private messages or by phone / WhatsApp +79878657570
