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Have you ever encountered a very enthusiastic, and perhaps mathematically gifted child? As a rule, “normal” children are versatile, not always obligatory, spontaneous. And these are stubborn, not very sociable, you can’t drive them out onto the street... They devote all their strength to their hobby - chess, writing programs, puzzles, something else that is not very clear at this age... If you are faced with this, then, Perhaps in front of you is a future mathematician or programmer who really lacks communication, but will decide to do it... Alas, without outside help, there is no strength. This character trait in a child can and should be supported and developed - on the one hand. After all, this is a very valuable quality - determination. On the other hand, the inability to communicate, starting from adolescence, can become a big problem for a child, literally poisoning life. What can be done in this case? 1. Contact a psychologist.2. Perhaps the family of such a child will find the strength to correct the situation? For example, a sociable brother or father who can literally “draw” such a child or teenager into communication can help. In this case, perhaps the only way to show a child or teenager that there is nothing terrible in communication is by example, showing how you can get out of difficult situations. Friends, relatives who can become an example of how you can communicate by showing interest in such child, will provide him with an invaluable service. With their help, he will be able to gain experience in relationships in a group (and if someone “moderates” the situation in a timely manner, such a self-contained child will feel safe, which is very significant for him), which he otherwise simply would not have dared to do.3. Trainings can help - but here, too, the decision is up to the parents: after all, even after realizing incompetence in communication and the need to somehow correct it, a person will not be able to find the strength to do this until he “gets back on his feet.” And many more years will pass... The main thing is not to hope that the child himself will “outgrow” his shyness, inability to communicate, but to use opportunities to help him.
