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On this path, every parent faces challenges and difficulties, since each child is individual and requires a special approach. However, there are effective strategies and approaches that will help curb your child's behavior and raise him to be a disciplined person. Some practical tips on how to discipline a child: 1. Be Consistent Set clear rules and expectations for your child to follow and be consistent in following them. It is important for the child to know that there are boundaries and restrictions, and that they will be respected. If you have canceled the showing of cartoons for your child, keep your “word”, because children love to beg with tears and tenderness for the lifting of restrictions.2. Explain the reasonExplain to your child why what he did is wrong or undesirable. Don't just say "Because I said so." Show your child what behavior is acceptable and why, helping him understand the consequences of his actions.3. Use rest time Instead of isolation, restrictions in favorite things and activities, offer your child some time of rest (silence), during which he can calm down and think about his actions. It also provides an opportunity for parents to relieve emotional tension and decide on further conversation and action.4. Teach SkillsInstead of punishing your child, teach and help your child develop emotional understanding, anger and stress management, and the ability to resolve conflict peacefully.5. Maintain Positive Parenting Focus on rewarding positive behavior rather than punishing negative behavior. Praise your child when he behaves well or does good deeds. Show interest in his activities and discuss his emotions and achievements.6. Be patient and emotionally supportiveRemember that children learn and develop by our example. Be a patient and loving parent and support your child emotionally, even when he makes mistakes or breaks rules. In addition, the individual characteristics of the child should be taken into account. Each child is unique and has his own aspirations, interests, abilities and age characteristics. Supporting and nurturing these differences will help your child feel confident and successful. It is necessary to encourage their hobbies, participate in their development and help them realize their potential. Finally, it is important to remember that discipline is not only about the formation of correct behavior and conformity, but also the development of the child’s internal motivation. In addition to punishment for incorrect behavior, it is necessary to teach the child to understand that doing the right thing also benefits him. It is important to help him realize his strengths and achievements, to find internal motivation for development and self-improvement. Discussion of the general principles of discipline with a psychologist and his help will be useful in adapting these rules to your family situation. Olga Frolova, family psychologist-consultant, current member of the International professional association of psychologists👉 https://vk.com/psy_olga_frolova
