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Girl-boy winces and laughs, Hands in the pockets of a black sweatshirt, In a couple more years and she will calm down, Or merge with the uniform... Today we will talk about violation of gender identity in girls. Gender is a social concept that characterizes behavior attributed to gender. A violation of gender identity manifests itself in the implementation of a pattern of behavior attributed by culture to the opposite sex. This is how girls appear who are difficult to distinguish from boys and very feminine boys. As a rule, parents seek advice from a specialist in cases where the process has gone far enough and such a violation becomes too obvious. Meanwhile, the reasons for violation of gender identity are most often associated with family troubles, an incorrectly formed system of child-parent relations. Let's consider some of the reasons for violation of gender identity in teenage girls: - the girl’s unconscious rejection of her femininity, associated with traumatic circumstances (when it is dangerous to be a girl ). There may be a threat of violence and cruel treatment not only towards the child, but also towards the father towards the mother. - A narcissistic family model, in which the child’s personal characteristics are not taken into account, and they try to force his nascent sexuality to conform to far-fetched ideals. - Gender narcissism (a person chooses his own body as an object of desire). - Strong rivalry with brothers. - Lack of warm close relationship with mother and identification with father. - Destruction of an early connection with the mother - A cruel father who terrorizes the family can provoke in a girl the defense mechanism “identification with the aggressor.” - Remember that the characteristics of your child’s character and worldview are largely the result of the educational process implemented in the family. Working with a teenager on issues of gender identity will always imply the active involvement of both parents in the process. Take care of the psychological health of your loved ones!
