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I want to tell you two stories. The first is about my son, who grew and grew, and even grew into an adult man, who somehow smells “wrong”, throws his things everywhere , doesn’t clean up after himself, doesn’t wash the dishes and the bathtub, leaves crumbs on the table and sofa, constantly listens to too loud stupid music, brings dubious friends and girls to spend the night. At the same time, don’t think, he’s not at all harmful, he sincerely loves his parents, never does not refuse a request, however, he almost never fulfills his promise to “clean up, wash after yourself, not bring just anyone into the house (or better yet, don’t bring anyone in at all). “Yes, yes, mommy!” Of course, mommy!” - with a sweet smile and kisses he responds to all your requests, complaints, pleas... But everything remains in place: dirty socks everywhere, crumbs, unwashed dishes, dirty bath, the list goes on and on. I think every family has its own list. What does the mother experience? Irritation, even anger, powerlessness, hope that this will someday end, and that this man will finally live in his own home. The irritants will go away, and then mother and son will communicate with the same tenderness and interest. What does the mother do? He constantly reminds him that it would be nice for his son to buy an apartment for himself, or at least rent one. To which the son replies that although he works, of course there is no money to buy an apartment, and it’s a pity to have money to rent. But in fact, it’s just very convenient for him to live like this. Cozy home, delicious food, clean clothes. Mom, of course, grumbles, but she loves her very much. Why bother in vain and become independent? And, to be honest, for some reason the mother needs her son to be nearby. Maybe there are some unexplained conflicts with my husband. Maybe you don’t know what to do when all these worries about your son go away with him. Wouldn't her life be empty, just as a house would be empty without a child? Will there be any other meaning in life other than raising children? A year, three, ten, or maybe even decades may pass in these experiences. To be continued. https://www.b17.ru/article/159099/How long can adult children live with their parents? Up to 18 years old Until they graduate from university Until they start their own family Until they buy their own home Until they get their children on their feet Until their parents retire While they are alive parentsBy mutual agreement
