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Envy is considered to be an exclusively negative feeling. But here’s the trick: any of our feelings signals us about something, which means, by definition, it carries a positive charge as well. Envy is a difficult feeling, but a resourceful one. The hardest thing, of course, is to admit that we envy someone. If we still have the courage to admit that we are envious, we do not take constructive steps. Either we just hang in a state of envy, or we try to get it out of ourselves as quickly as possible. We ourselves don’t like envy and this is absolutely understandable. Firstly, good boys and girls do not envy, and secondly, since I envy another, it means he is better, more successful, and I am a loser. It’s true that the last fact also provokes the development of aggression in us, and aggression is energy, that is, a resource that can and should be directed in the right direction. Being envious, we can show our envy by devaluing another person or his qualities. We can be indignant, belittle, be negative, and use sarcasm. In general, a sure sign of envy is that when you think about a person who should make you feel neither hot nor cold, you begin to get excited and experience an emotional, usually negative, uplift. So, the good news is that envy extremely resourceful. If you have feelings and emotions about someone's values ​​- congratulations, you have found your values, highlighted them. Moreover, if you experience envy, it means you subconsciously understand that you have the resources to bring missing values ​​into your life. All that remains is to find out exactly what blocks and negative attitudes prevent you from doing this. And here, of course, one can argue that we do not always have the resources for what our envy is aimed at. Look, I want a palace, but how can I get it? No way. Yes, but the fact is that our envy is always envy of the spiritual, not the material. Not about the palace or the plane, but about how owning them would make us feel. Envy of freedom, status, sense of success.
