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Money in the family or family budget. I don’t write about finances, how to attract them, earn money, etc. However, money, in my opinion, is about internal maturity and responsibility. This means I work with queries “about money”, just from a slightly different perspective. This article was born because. In my practice, I meet families who have not completed the 2nd stage of family development. What am I talking about?) In family psychology, there are six stages of the family life cycle, each of which solves its own specific problems of its development. You can learn more about the stages and tasks read here >>> Family crises. The life cycle of family development. The second stage: marriage and the formation of a new married couple. One of the tasks of the family during this stage: organizing the family budget. Yes, this financial task will affect the psychological development of the family system. And then the husband and wife come for a consultation, I’ve been married for 12 years, and my money is still out of order... The husband’s money is his money, the wife’s money is her money - this is NOT organizing a budget, but complete crap)) This can also include spontaneous and nothing regulated spending, when no one knows whether there will be enough money until the next salary. These are “money” problems that reveal psychological difficulties. Let’s consider several options for organizing the family budget: A woman’s money is a woman’s money, and a man’s money is the family budget. I often hear this from women, and they say this with some pride. It’s like she’s all so feminine, and the man is all so unclear. In reality, of course, it’s not like that. The woman is in an infantile position, the woman is supported by her father-husband. This is neither bad nor good if both husband and wife are satisfied with this. You just shouldn’t be under the illusion that this position is about adult relationships. There are certain agreements between spouses who pays for what, the remaining money is spent at the discretion of each party. All family income is added to the common fund, family expenses are distributed from the common fund, the rest is divided in half .Most likely, there are other environmentally friendly options for organizing a family budget; I described the most common ones above. Remember that any agreements must be flexible, because there are different life situations: planned (for example, maternity leave) or unplanned (for example, layoffs at work).© Azarova Tsvetana What options do you know for organizing a family budget? Sign up for a consultation (in person or online) 8 961 668 69 17 Add to the group on VK using the link Psychologist Tsvetana Azarova or by name @azarovatsvetana
