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From the author: A resourceful view of depression. Depression is a period when there is a loss of contact with one’s Power. A person feels like a nobody “and his name is nothing.” Have you ever wondered why we need such a state? Since it happens to us, it means - oh, how necessary! Nothing happens in vain, everything has its own deep meaning. This is the time when you need to dive deep into yourself. Depression happens when the Soul needs to move to another level of development. If a person understands the message for his Soul in the form of depression and takes specific actions that will “transfer” him to a new level, then the depression will recede. And hello, New Man and new Life! What actions? He will begin to develop new skills, do things he hasn’t done before, and behave a little differently. If a person does not understand anything and tries to drown out the pain and be distracted and entertained in every possible way, then he gets stuck in this state and depression becomes chronic. A person drinks antidepressants, alcohol, goes to doctors, but depression still overtakes him from time to time, and life becomes more and more unbearable and difficult. What to do? How to understand the message for your Soul? First of all, do not drive depression away, but plunge into it. Give yourself the opportunity to “suffer”, for example, lie under a blanket, curl up, close yourself off from everyone and cry. You need to give free rein to all the feelings that arise, without blocking them. Then ask yourself: “Which part of the soul has it time to die?” Which part of yourself has it come time to say goodbye to once and for all?” If suicidal thoughts arise, this is precisely because you want to “kill” some outdated, unproductive part of yourself. But for this it is not necessary to “kill” yourself entirely, right? Next, you need to outline what specific actions in everyday life will help you move to the New part of Consciousness, to a new version of yourself. Well, and accordingly, every day bring new actions into your daily life, at least a little. Depression often happens to developing and creative people, as a transition to a new level to new opportunities. This is a pleasure for the dear Soul! Thus, if depression happens to you. Do not miss your chance! Take advantage of the opportunity! And then life will sparkle with new bright colors. If you yourself cannot cope with this condition and understand the message, then contact a specialist. Allow yourself to shed your old frog skin. There is effective Non-drug psychotherapy.
