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It’s not about the road we choose. What is inside us makes us choose the path. O. Henry When we do what we like, follow our own path, everything works out for us, events happen to us, people come into our lives with whom we share the same path. We are in the flow. We live, we bloom, we shine. How many times have I been surprised when I chose the theme of the holidays in the texts. Even consultations fall into the holiday theme. For example, Day of Handwriting - and two requests for the letter of Death, two touches with oneself through deep techniques. Today is the day of random directions and the request to choose your path. Nothing in life is accidental. Even holidays adapt to events) ✨✨✨Choose your own path. Interest Ask. When you were a child, were you asked what you wanted to be? How did you answer? Let's imagine this picture, an adult stands and asks a child what he wants to be. And the child thinks and speaks as a tram driver, an artist, an ice cream seller, a teacher. He likes everything. He wants to try himself in different professions. Then time passes and it is important to choose only one direction. How to choose this one profession for life, how to go the right way after finishing school. The question is open. Yes, even in our time. When the world is dynamic and develops at an accelerated pace. How to choose what is interesting. What if something is interesting that doesn’t even have a name yet? For example, neuroeconomics. This is interesting. We had never even heard of this before. And everything interesting, everything new is born at the intersection of different areas. So how to choose the only thing that will be a profession for life.... The world is dynamic. It may no longer be necessary to choose one single profession. It is important to follow yourself where it is interesting. Choose a path that will allow you to realize yourself, allow you to develop, receive joy from your choice and bring benefit to the world. Barbara Sher described two types: scanners and divers. Divers are those who have chosen one area of ​​interest for themselves and began to develop in it. But scanners have too many interests and hobbies to focus on just one thing. Strong curiosity about a variety of topics, phenomena and things that have nothing in common is one of the main characteristics of a scanner. Nowadays, the ability to learn quickly and adapt your knowledge and skills is valued and important. Flexibility of thinking is important. Positive perception of your hobbies. Follow your curiosity. Perhaps your curiosity will lead to the creation of a new activity, a new profession. ✨✨✨In honor of the holiday, I propose to think about the path of life and make the Ikigai technique. Accidents are not accidental. Why do your eyes sparkle, what activity makes you happy. Ikigai translated from Japanese means the meaning of life. Let's make a technique with MAC. Any universal deck will do, or request a card on the forum. The technique involves 13 cards. Print or redraw the design and place a card face down on each area. Questions to the IAC by sector: 1. I can do 2. I like to do 3. What people need4. What I get paid for5. Something that brings satisfaction and a feeling of futility6. That which gives a feeling of delight, but no prosperity7. Excitement and complacency, but there is uncertainty and profanity8. Comfortable, but empty9. Work10.Passion11. Mission12. Vocation13. IkigaiWhen describing the map, find the answer in your description of the sector. The last map is Ikigai. Meaning of life. What is it for you? In the MAC technique, the description of your card is important. What did you tell yourself, how did you answer the questions? What is important in your activity. What is important to pay attention to is what you felt, what you sensed. What is your current activity? Do you want to continue it or did the thought come about a random direction, a new turn in life. Do you like your choice? Share in the comments.✨✨✨Create your life! Believe in yourself! I invite you to continue the topic of immersion and self-knowledge with the help of MAC and written practices in consultations and t-games! Want to play by yourself? Our gaming bot Fedor!
