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From the author: A little impromptu about the eternal question. Me: - Tell me, Life, what is your meaning?. Life: - Do you doubt that I have meaning? I don't doubt that you have a sense, but I doubt that it is permanent. It seems to me that it is too fleeting and changeable, like the wind in May, like the shape of a sea wave, like my mood... Life: - Do you prefer that my meaning be like eternal gray pyramids? Me: - Of course. After all, meaning is necessarily associated with duty, even sacred duty, and in the limit with absolute, divine duty, imperative... Life: - Let's assume that I have such a meaning, but am hiding it from you for the time being. But then the moment comes, and I tell you: Here is my eternal meaning, here is my true value, here is my sacred conditionality, here is my unconditional determinism. Do you have any desire to doubt this? Aren't you becoming a slave to such a life? Me: - Yes, perhaps, such a meaning can enslave. But then, in general, the question is for you, for Life, what is your meaning that is enslaving, or rather self-enslaving.. Life: - Then where can the need for such questioning come from? Why do you constantly have the desire to ask me - what is my point? Let's then assume that my meaning is changeable and can turn 180 degrees every second. Then I don’t seem to have a permanent meaning, but on the other hand, there is always some meaning. Now let’s assume that you have the opportunity to feel this meaning without questioning, but directly: with your gut, your skin, your heart, your whole being. Will it then be your duty to adhere to this meaning? Me: - It would be a strange thing to consider one thing as your duty, and a second later the opposite. Life: - Will you adhere to one meaning of life and deny the other? Me: - If the meaning of life is so changeable, then I have no choice but to adhere to one and deny the other... Life: - In this case, if you deny one of my meanings and hold on to the other, then it makes sense for me to ask you: And in what is your point? Me: - Yes indeed. I did not expect such a turn of events, when Life itself asks me, what is your meaning.. Life: - Yes, this is all the more strange for someone who has taken on the role of asking Life what is its meaning.. Me: - You started talking about the role. Do you think that my meaning is the role I have chosen?. Life: - I don’t know. Chosen by you or imposed on you by me, but this role must be played well... Me: - Some bewilderment arises. You propose to evaluate the performance of the chosen role. But who will do it: You (Life) or Me? If I am, then the assessment is directly related to the feeling of satisfaction. If You, then Life (mine) is connected with the lives of other people, and then the assessment will come from them.. Life: - Yes, the assessment will have a dual character, so to speak - altruistic-egoistic.. Me: - In that case , not only the role-playing game itself, but also the very choice of this role also has a dual character. In order to navigate the choice, I have to feel with my gut, skin, heart, being the meanings you offer, which in essence are not meanings, but only questions: “What is your meaning?” And in accordance with my ego-altra ideas, choose a role. Then this is, in fact, an ethical choice.. Life: - Exactly. Then it begins to become clear why you need to ask “What is the meaning of life.” This need intensifies when one’s own ethical guidelines are lost. That is, you are not able to think in an egoistic-altruistic plane and adequately answer me (Life) - Who are you? What is your point? The very question “What is the meaning of life” is a typical avoidance of responsibility, that is, an attempt to avoid answering the question posed: What is your meaning? Me: - I’ll try to justify myself. I just don't know where to start. You, Life, argued that a prerequisite for orientation in choosing my meaning is that I must feel with my whole being the changeable meanings proposed by you. But if I will.
