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Should a woman take money from a man? Disputes about the relationship between men, women and money have been going on since men began to bring coins. And if we consider the traditional family model, where the man is the breadwinner and the woman is the keeper of the hearth, everything is simple: the man gives, the woman receives. However, with the advent of women’s emancipation, everything became so complicated that men forgot how to bear responsibility and provide, and women lost the ability accept money. Don't demand, but accept. And a woman’s ability to do this correctly largely determines whether that same harmonious “Take-Give” balance will be established in a relationship. Each partner in a couple should be able to both receive and give. An imbalance in this balance leads to a distortion of reality, in which partners often change roles. If a man is not able to give money, protection, security, and a woman is unable to accept and give comfort and care in return, then the couple will be overwhelmed by problems. In this case, the woman begins to work hard to provide for herself and her family. This takes up her feminine energy, and she does not receive, but gives. She begins to develop masculine thinking and character traits (“a man in a skirt”). And vice versa, if a man does not receive care, love, and sexual pleasure from a woman, then he will begin to show an inability to realize himself in his career and/or finances, and finally takes a mistress. Money for a man is the energy that he wants to give to a woman. Reasons why a woman does not take money from a man. - It’s a shame to ask (for help, money). You can work through the problem with a psychologist to figure out why she considers herself unworthy. - Fear of what he will think of me (selfish, stupid). - Doesn’t want to ask so as not to be indebted. By refusing her partner’s resources, she shows that she does not need him - “I can do everything myself, I am strong, I’d rather do everything myself.” The question arises, why do you need a man, if you don’t even give him a chance to be your protector, to show concern? - He himself must give. He himself must understand that I need money! Like if you are silent. It will be easier if there is dialogue. You will get what you want, and the man will stop misinterpreting your hints. What if he doesn’t want to give money? If a man skimps on his woman, denies her gifts and financial assistance, without compensating for this with time, household care, and emotional support, the relationship falls apart. It is quite possible that he is not ready for intimacy. Rules for balancing monetary relations in a couple.1. A man is a breadwinner, and he pays; this is a completely normal male area of ​​responsibility. It wouldn't occur to you to pay for both of you in a restaurant, would it? If you strive to equally replenish the family budget, then do not be indignant that your husband lies on the couch while you work for three.2. Learn proper energy exchange. Don’t think that only the man owes everything, and the woman nothing. She invests in her own, female sphere. A wise woman understands how important it is to be a homemaker, mother, lover and muse all rolled into one.3. Forget the phrase “I myself!” Men want to be needed, they want to give gifts, they want to provide for their family. In order for men's potential to develop, women shift leadership in financial matters onto men's shoulders. Of course, a woman should also have her own source of income, but priority in replenishing the family budget is given to the man.4. You need to be able to ask. A man feels when a request hides self-interest and manipulation. Accept with sincere gratitude a bouquet of wildflowers and a fur coat, so your loved one will know that his efforts are needed 5. Trust is a strong foundation of relationships. Talk to each other more about what is important to you.6. A woman does not give expensive gifts. Many women complain that a man provides for them, and they cannot ask for money for a gift. So this is not required. Give material gifts if you have your own source of income. Well, it’s not at all acceptable to take loans or borrow money for gifts.7. Don't focus all your attention on.
