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Rebirthing is a special breathing psychotechnology. A number of schools teaching the principles of rebirthing have been operating since 1977. This technology is aimed primarily at a person’s independent exploration of himself, personal transformation during the performance of special breathing exercises and general development in the future. Exercises using breathing of special intensity are used as a tool to achieve an altered state of consciousness. Perspiration (breathing) according to rebirthing occurs intensely and deeply. Compared to natural breathing, it is more rapid, with minimal (virtually absent) pauses in the inhalation-exhalation cycle. The muscles that are used during perspiration are tense during inhalation, relaxed and completely passive during exhalation. Rebirthing is most often used to try to eliminate or minimize injuries received during the birth process, psychosomatic diseases, and stress disorders. This technique is rarely able to restore some traumatic and painful events for consciousness, and also, extremely rarely, contributes to the successful processing and completion of these situations. In general, the negative consequences of the birth process are manifested in the following: - persistent psychological stress; - pain stress; - disintegration (splitting) of consciousness; - complex symptoms that provoke other dysfunctions as if “in a chain”; - mental disorders and general mental instability. Psychotechnology of rebirthing Over many years of existence and active practice, I have developed a concept of working with difficult life situations. Below are its general concepts: In any difficult situation, first of all, pay attention to your own breathing. Determine the internal tension in your body. Breathe coherently and gradually deepen your breaths. Breathe in the area of ​​the body that is currently under tension. Relax. Relax your body completely. Relax areas of tension. Integrate stiffness and release tension outward. Draw conclusions and learn even during the most unpleasant sensations, emotions and situations. Pay special attention to the little things and seemingly elusive details. The deep truth of problematic situations lies in awareness of all its manifestations. Try to enjoy your own tension. After all, it indicates that you live a full and varied life. Those. if something hurts, then I’m still alive. Difficulties and obstacles on the way to a common goal develop you. Try to approach this without irritation or anger, but with some gratitude and understanding. Your reserves and inner strength have no limits. It is worth noting that the rebirthing technique can only be used under the guidance of a US certified instructor. One hypnotherapy session is equal to 10-100 rebirthing sessions. Therefore, if you are tired of putting up with any problems, tired of the pain and it’s time to get rid of them, it is better to consider the most effective method - hypnotherapy.
