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From the author: Conflicts, problems, illnesses, loneliness, lack of money, financial difficulties are a reflection of your attitudes, most often unconscious. Constellation is the shortest way to find the cause and change reality. All problems begin in the head, in the way of thinking, in memories, in fears, even in what we have forgotten and excluded. We cannot see and understand what is hidden. But our subconscious is capable of retaining not only the good and useful, it archives everything indiscriminately. Daughters - mothers. Violation of system roles. The relationship between mother and daughter is very important. Even when the mother is gone, the invisible connection will remain, because women of the same kind, flesh of flesh, the closest by blood, they continue in children and grandchildren. Quite often it happens that in a family parents behave like dependent children. The daughter has no choice but to take care of her, fulfill her demands and instructions, so as not to listen to insults and reproaches once again, and do as she wishes. Such inverted roles bring a lot of torment and put suffering on the relationship between daughter and mother. The natural law of giving and taking is violated. The roots feed the stem, along which forces flow to the branches. The capricious Child-Mom, accustomed to take, and the sensible daughter-Parent, inclined to give, cannot find mutual understanding. The more a daughter gives to her mother, the more damage she brings to her life by sacrificing herself. Such girls are most often lonely and cannot build serious and long-term relationships or a strong family. After all, there is already a child - a mother. The reason may lie deep in childhood. Perhaps the daughter understands deep down that her mother is unhappy because of her, the birth of a child has become a deprivation, an obstacle or a burden. Maybe she had to marry an unloved dad, live with him because of the children, endure the suffering of betrayal, loss, grief. It happens that the pregnancy was a surprise for the mother, there were thoughts about an abortion, and maybe even attempts. Even in its infancy, the child is already connected to the mother through a single circulatory system. A record that it is not needed remains in the blood at the gene level. Remember your childhood resentment and what lies behind it. Understand the reason for your pain, why you were angry with your mother. To understand means to accept. Exchange resentment for understanding, and it will become easier for both of you. Even if the mother is no longer alive, this can and should be done. Sometimes it is very difficult to do this without the help of a qualified psychologist. Systemic family constellations can help resolve these processes quite quickly and effectively. Conflicts, problems, illnesses, loneliness, lack of money, financial difficulties are a reflection of your attitudes, most often unconscious. Constellation is the shortest way to find the cause and change reality. All problems begin in the head, in the way of thinking, in memories, in fears, even in what we have forgotten and excluded. We cannot see and understand what is hidden. But our subconscious is capable of retaining not only the good and useful, it archives everything indiscriminately. I wish you prosperity and mutual understanding in the family! Elvira Titova - leader of systemic family constellations, family and child psychologist, trainer, member of the Psychotherapeutic League (OPPL)~~~ Registration for group or individual work Psychologist21.rf
