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Awakening a desire to learn in a child is not so easy, especially if he has unloved subjects, strict teachers, and poor academic performance. Sitting in class for half a day is not the most pleasant experience. And at home they also gave me an assignment for the next day. And the young soul asks to be free, to jump, play, and have fun with friends. After all, there are so many interesting things in the world, but here they force you to add numbers, write copybooks, and also say the words “must,” “should,” “this is your responsibility.” After such words, one simply gives up. Parents are in a difficult situation at this time. If you punish a child and demand that he study diligently, then learning will still not bring joy. The words “must” and “obligation” generally sound like a sentence for both children and adults. If you give a child freedom so that he controls his own actions, then chaos can begin and the school will go downhill. So you have to look for little tricks in order to bypass the child’s internal resistance and help him fall in love or at least get a little carried away by school knowledge.1 . In modern education, grades are the main motive for learning. A child learns “excellent” and “good” because he likes to be praised, his classmates turn to him for help, he is given awards and prizes, and is set as an example. The child feels the taste of success. Therefore, it is necessary to instill success and enjoyment of success from the very beginning of study. If a child experiences it at least once, he will strive for success all his life. Therefore, first of all, tell your child how great it is to be praised and loved. Let him know that his parents believe in his success, are proud of him and are ready to help him on his path.2. However, grades are not the only way to help your son or daughter enjoy learning. The next step is to develop the student’s talents, choosing a priority area of ​​science or art that will help the child realize himself and his creative potential. This is especially important for those boys and girls who do not do well in basic subjects, but have certain inclinations towards some kind of creativity: theater arts, singing, sports, modeling, cooking, etc. Then the child, enjoying creativity, will have the strength to complete other educational programs.3. It is advisable to explain to the child why he is studying. It is difficult to demand diligent apprenticeship from a child if he does not understand what benefit he will get from it and why he needs it at all. Tell us, using your example, how school knowledge helped you achieve success in life and what positive things await your child in the future.4. Just the personal example of parents or a story about a fairy-tale hero serves as a good help in studying. If you tell a child that mom and dad were excellent students during their school years, and that they know that their child will also be successful, then he will be drawn to this image and look up to his elders. And if you tell a child that Spider-Man studied well at school, and this knowledge helped him in catching criminals, then the child will also want to collect this knowledge. After all, without them, the comic book hero would not have been able to calculate that his web would be able to stop the train and would not have been able to calculate the correct flight path. If a child sees that the whole world, both fairy-tale and real, lives on scientific knowledge, that nature grows according to the principle of the golden ratio, he will read about the wonders of the world, about the amazing properties of numbers, then his surprise will never end. And surprise is an important step towards knowledge.5. Play with knowledge! It is better to transfer knowledge in a playful way. Let the letters and numbers come to life, have their own character, and travel through a fairy-tale world. Let the child become a participant in this world, help them restore order and live in harmony. It is better to study nature not in a book, but in the park or with your grandmother in the village. Mathematics and writing are best depicted in pictures and fairy tales. You can also apply scientific knowledge at the table during dinner. Count how many cutlets mom made, make eyes out of mayonnaise, hair out of parsley, come up with.
