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The long-awaited child was born, but the father, it seems, is not very happy and does not want to contact him at all. And instead of communicating with the baby and providing support to his wife, he becomes withdrawn, sad and/or irritable. Why? It turns out that postpartum depression exists in men. According to The Lancet, new fathers experienced symptoms of depression eight weeks after giving birth. According to a study cited in the publication, this pattern was observed in 3.6% of men. Of course, here a natural question arises about the degree of treatment and little study of the issue, while the prevalence of “true” postpartum depression is 10-15% of all women who gave birth to a child. On the other hand, according to the portal News-Medical.net (An AZoNetwork Site), a year after the birth of a baby, depression is already observed in 23% of fathers. At the same time, the same Internet publication calls the main risk factor for paternal postpartum depression precisely the postpartum depression of the mother herself (and an inverse relationship has also been identified). Of course, there are no hormonal changes in the young father’s body that are directly related to the birth of a child, and fathers’ depression is, rather, psychogenic in nature. In general, the usual way of life changes, the number of worries increases and responsibility increases, and changes in the relationship with his wife have an impact. What are the main symptoms of depression for a young father: low mood (depression, a feeling of melancholy, a feeling of loneliness), increased irritability and conflict, up to openly aggressive behavior; persistent tension; social isolation (avoidance of communication with family and friends); decreased concentration, absent-mindedness, forgetfulness; loss of interest in previously interested activities, loss of motivation; fatigue, fatigue; somatic manifestations of various origins. At the same time, as noted above, the percentage of referrals to specialists is unknown, and the situation is aggravated by insufficient awareness of the problem of the risk group - young fathers who, while also trying to support their wife, may generally deny their right to depression and to receive help. However, ignoring symptoms (even to yourself) is not a means of eliminating them, and solving the problem with a specialist will be much more comfortable and effective. You can sign up for a consultation via personal messages or via WhatsApp at +7 977 673 14 30
