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Divorce is always very stressful. It’s not easy to erase a person you loved from your life and start life from scratch. And if you also have children, it’s generally very difficult. There is a lot of advice on the Internet on how to survive a divorce, ranging from “letters of happiness and anger” to various life hacks - something like close your eyes, imagine your pain in the form of a black spot and gradually begin to erase it. Yes, of course, this helps some people, some people tolerate divorce more easily and move on. But what to do if the pain is so severe that you simply don’t know how to live further. Unfortunately, there is no clear answer to this. But there are general principles that can ease this pain and help you start living. The very first thing you need to do is give yourself the opportunity to cry and feel sorry for yourself. Yes, just feel sorry for yourself. Are you in pain. And there is nothing wrong if you admit it and give free rein to your emotions. Break something (preferably not an expensive set), tear it up, scream into the void, if you want to cry, cry. Don't keep your emotions to yourself. They will come out sooner or later anyway. If there is someone nearby who can support, feel sorry for you, it’s generally great. Or feel sorry for yourself. Of course, the golden mean is good here, there is no need to play the role of a victim, but there is nothing wrong with feeling sorry for yourself. Remember yourself as a child, you fell and broke your knee. And when mom or dad or someone else takes pity on you, hugs you and says that everything will be fine, the pain somehow subsides and becomes easier. This is physical pain. Psychological pain is about the same. When people feel sorry for you, it becomes easier. Second, accept the fact of separation. Yes, anything can happen in life, people get divorced, then get back together, but at this stage of your life you have separated. So now this period of your life has come. And you will definitely cope with it. Yes, that’s right, you can handle it, period. It doesn’t matter that now you have no idea how to cope, the main thing is to have firm confidence that you can handle it. Don’t be alone, try through I don’t want to go out in public. Do something. Do whatever you want, but maybe you don’t want to, but do it anyway. Don't be alone with depressive thoughts. Then it will be much more difficult to get out of them. Don't look for someone to blame. Searching for reasons for divorce at the initial stage will lead to absolutely nothing good. You will not find an answer to the question of where I was so wrong/mistaken, why I didn’t see it, or how this could happen. This will only frustrate you and the pain will begin to intensify. Depressive thoughts will return. And you don’t need this now. Take your mind off these thoughts. Yes, at first you will have to force yourself. Then it will be easier. Just accept the fact that in the past you did this because you simply could not do otherwise. Yes, perhaps you made a mistake somewhere, didn’t see something, but you are just a person and no one can know what will happen in front of you. You acted at that period of your life as best you could, based on the facts that were known to you. Don't blame yourself for this. Forgive yourself and try to accept it. Or if it’s difficult, then just don’t think about it now. You still have a lot of time ahead and you can return to these thoughts if necessary. And most importantly, give yourself time. Be prepared for the fact that there will be breakdowns, there will be ups and downs. Everything won't work out right away. The pain will return, there may be calls to your ex-partner, there will be involuntary tears and a lot of other unpleasant things. We are human and experience emotions and nothing human is alien to us. But time heals everything. Just know that no matter how painful it is now, it will pass and you will feel better. Find your recipe that will help you. Perhaps there is a need to contact a specialist and together you will find a solution or your loved ones will help you. The main thing is not to give up. And know that life doesn’t end there. Yes, now everything is possible in black colors, but believe me, time will pass and colored colors will appear in your life again. And you will wake up in the morning and realize that life is beautiful.
