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It is known that a family is more than 1+1+1, it is also the quality of connections between these 1+1+1 and these connections cannot but influence family members. In my experience, I know of one family, in the history of which the influence of the states of some of its members on the fate and lives of others is very clear. The head of the family is a strong, educated, handsome man. The only son of his father, who immediately after his birth went to war. Alexander remained to grow up with his mother. The idea that he was the only bearer and successor of his surname seemed to be in the air. Maybe his grandparents on his father’s side often told him about this, maybe his father’s military merits obliged him to continue his worthy surname, or maybe the fact that after the end of the war his father remained to serve in Moscow for another 10 years and did not return to his homeland. His mother married a second time and gave birth to a second son, so Alexander could fulfill his need to be “faithful” to his father and feel that he belonged to the masculine family by remaining faithful to his family name and fanatically striving for its continuation. When he got married, there was no talk of other children except his son. And a son was born. Nikita continued the family name. Alexander's joy and pride knew no bounds. However, fate turned out to be cruel. At the age of 10 months, Nikita suddenly fell ill and died. The couple could not survive the unbearable grief together and soon after the death of their son they divorced. After some time, Alexander married a second time. Soon enough, a girl appeared in the family. They gave her a beautiful name and began to love her. However, the idea of ​​continuing the family name, the dream of heirs, did not leave Alexander. How else could he receive his male identity and feel that he belonged to his father’s clan. When his daughter was 10 years old, he and his wife had a second child. And...A girl again. Alexander's disappointment knew no end. In despair, he refused to go to the maternity hospital and take his daughter home. In order to somehow smooth out this situation, the girl was named Alexandra, now she is, if not the successor of the family name, then at least the bearer of his name. After the birth of Alexandra, changes occurred in the family. And until this moment, Alexander was not distinguished by fidelity to his wife, but now he began dating other women, not really hiding this fact. Accusations that she was unable to bear him a son were made both directly and indirectly. And the endless betrayals looked like an unconscious attempt to sadistically punish her. A year after Alexandra’s birth, the wife cannot withstand such stress and attempts suicide. But after this, the eldest girl takes on the function of saving the family. Until this moment, completely healthy, with luxurious, thick braids, the eldest girl falls ill with an unknown endocrine disease and begins to go bald. Quite quickly she “turns” into the boy so desired by her father, losing her main girlish attribute. To save his family from disaster (the death of his mother, the departure of his father from the family), the child sacrifices himself to the family system. Throughout her life she remained asthenic, without pronounced female forms and completely without hair, more like a son than a daughter. The family united around their daughter’s illness. Alexander’s infidelities did not end, but they became less frank, and the wife became more involved in the girl’s illness and began to pay less attention to her husband’s adventures. The peak of tension has passed, the family is saved, everyone is alive. When the eldest daughter became an adult, the only relationship in her life that did not last very long was with a man named Nikita, named after her father’s deceased son. Such an unconscious attempt to return his lost son to his father. The relationship quickly fell apart and she was left alone for the rest of her life. However, Alexandra succeeded in what her older sister failed to do. She married a good man, again with the name of her father's son. And she gave birth to a son from Nikita, the long-awaited boy for Alexander. Sasha, of course, did not change her last name after marriage. The grandson spends every summer with his grandfather at the dacha. Classic "reckoning" for the youngest.
