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SmellsSmells play an important role in our lives. By smell you can determine mental and physiological characteristics. Everyone has their own individual scent. Moreover, age is also added to it. For example, in patients with schizophrenia (and other mental illnesses), brain chemistry is disrupted, and therefore such patients emit a special unpleasant odor. Diseases of the kidneys, liver, and stomach are caused by the acetone odor. In rare cases, it has its own pleasant smell. For example, Alexander the Great was distinguished by this. Some smells are considered taboo: - the smell of death; - the smell of excrement; - the smell of sex. These smells are considered indecent. The smell of death. This is the smell of rotting, decomposition of organic flesh. In some cases, it is allowed in holiday food - Roquefort cheese. Or in perfumery - a little ambergris (rotted pieces of whale) is mixed into the smell of perfume. That is, in small quantities it is considered piquant. The smell of excrement. This is usually the smell of urine. It is important to accustom a child to a clean body and a potty from an early age. It must be emphasized that this is an intimate matter; it is inappropriate to do this in public, but it is better to do it in a special separate room. Also tell the baby that if your pants smell, then you need to change them. Women do not tolerate (unlike some men) the smell of a man’s unclean body, especially urine. The smell of sex. This is the smell of sexual arousal. Particularly sophisticated women can smell the smell of an excited man. It should be noted that teenagers are considered the most “smelly”. It is young people during puberty that release hormones that have a specifically pungent, strong odor. Especially if they do not take care of themselves. Adults often have bad breath. This is the smell of garlic, wine, etc. Previously, it was used to make the smell less strong - cloves, nutmeg. Now it's chewing gum. We must remember that those people who work with sick children should not smell brightly. Smells are very connected to emotions and this affects relationships. (For example, according to statistics in the USA, 7-8% separate due to intolerance to each other’s smells.) There may even be an allergy to the husband’s smell... In conclusion, I note that smell is a good indicator of a person’s condition.
