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From the author: Keeping a personal diary as one of the methods of self-therapy. Working with a psychologist or psychotherapist helps a person understand himself, the current situation, how and where to find a way out of it, as well as an entrance to where life is a fairy tale. A fairy tale not with a happy ending, but with a happy continuation. There is even a special method in psychotherapy - fairy tale therapy. When the client can talk about his experiences and see them from the outside through the adventures of invented characters. He transfers his experiences and internal conflicts into the content of the fairy tale. And, thanks to the fact that the client abstracts himself from the problem, he can help the hero of his fairy tale find the best solution and lead him to a happy ending to the story. And, therefore, he finds a solution for himself. However, not every person will go to a psychologist. The reasons for this may be shame - “If I go to a psychologist, it means something is wrong with me. What will others say?”, and lack of free funds, and neglect of one’s feelings - “Something pierces inside... I probably ate something wrong." As a result, those who come up with the idea of ​​visiting a psychologist are hundreds out of a million, those who reach the psychologist’s office are dozens, and those who purposefully go for psychotherapy, i.e. to seriously work with their personality - only a few. And yet people need support, an outburst of emotions. And they find their own ways of therapy: talk with a girlfriend/boyfriend, cry over a movie/book/music, play sports, and so on and so forth. And one of these ways is keeping a personal diary. A diary is a place where you can be absolutely honest with yourself. And thanks to this, you begin to understand yourself better and accept yourself more for who you are, and, therefore, to love. It is surprising and delightful that keeping a diary can help a person develop self-love. But this, in my deep conviction, is the main task of psychotherapy. In addition, like fairy tale therapy, when keeping a diary, a person frees his feelings, abstracts himself from the “problem”, can calmly analyze the situation and himself, his behavior, and then find a way out, solution. Not only can a journal help you sort out the past and present, but it can also help you plan for the future. Using simple tools like a piece of paper and a pen, you can focus your mental power on solving your problem (whether then analyzing the past or building an image of the future) and solve it more effectively. Cheap and cheerful? Well, I would say it’s great and I recommend it! I myself use this simple and yet so effective method of self-therapy. Happiness to you and harmony with yourself! Your personal guide to the endless expanses of the soul, Vera Sh
