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This group raised serious and profound topics. One of the group members was faced with an acute experience of mortal danger that concerned him and the people closest to him. An extraordinary incident occurred, which raised an avalanche of thoughts about death and fear. Thoughts of helplessness and powerlessness in the face of surrounding realities. In the group we helped to live through these feelings, to face the thought of the finitude of our existence, to realize fear. Admit to yourself and others these painful feelings and emotions. Find support. When I write these lines, a bouquet of strong experiences rises inside me. Discussing death always feels poignant. This topic is taboo in society. It is not built into the culture of relationships. At best we remain silent, at worst we avoid in every possible way. We often experience these feelings and states alone. Thus, we deprive ourselves and others of meeting it face to face. Accept the very idea of ​​the existence of death. A similar situation happened to some of the participants in the group. At the beginning of the topic, it was clear that they were very involved. Lots of emotions and sympathy. However, these feelings are gradually replaced by others - fear, anger, dissatisfaction, boredom, mistrust. This is expressed, for example, in rationalization - when a person asks a lot of questions in order to “clarify the situation” to the “victorious” end. Thus, avoiding the person and his feelings in contact, running away from these difficult and unpleasant feelings into other “more understandable” ones. Aggression, anger, anxiety, fear are more understandable. Nastya and I guided the participants so that they could express their first experiences. Where there is a lot of sympathy. Where there is a lot of empathy, deep contact with a person. We succeeded and were able to go all the way without interrupting the natural course of events, but revealing the meaning of the feelings of the participants. For many, this became a discovery and truth about themselves - how and why they react in a certain way to a person with difficult experiences. The end result was that, having realized their usual behavior patterns, the participants tried new ones and received feedback. Now, having knowledge of how their usual behavior affects a person and new ones, they can choose what reaction they would like to receive next time.
