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"Money just sticks to me! I am a magnet for money! Money comes easily into my life!" - such affirmations (statements) are proposed to be used to tune in to the wave of the abundant Universe. Some authors claim that it is understanding the generosity of the Universe that will allow you to adjust your thinking to receive money. Have you heard of this? Is this so? Look! (The beginning of a series about money thinking - HERE (Previous article on the topic - HERE) "I am financially stable and independent," - a similar thought for someone: reality, dream, absurd. For the first one, it is too positive sounds and faith in it is minimal or completely absent, and the statement itself causes aggression, sadness, fear. For the second, it is anticipation, a promise of what is desired in the future, an incentive to act. For the third - reality. In the second and third options, the affirmation (I am financially stable and independent) will not hurt if you stay in reality. Let's return to the person from the first option. Our behavior is controlled by thinking, including deep-seated attitudes. Growing up, we might have heard about money problems, lack of money, and so on. We have formed our own ideas regarding the ability to be financially independent and financially stable. If you are not satisfied with the material side of life, you should start changing your thinking. To begin with, write down on your own (but more productively with a psychologist) all your attitudes about money, wealth, and finances. SELF-understanding in this matter helps to gain self-esteem adequate to reality. Then note how much you believe in them and how such faith manifests itself in life. Next, understand and write down what you need: more money, a larger house, travel, luxury, or whatever else you want. The next stage will be drawing up a balanced, rather than positive, statement from those in your head. For example, “Money flows like sand through your fingers” needs to be assessed for realism and ways to change the situation through specific actions must be determined. Changing your thinking is also an active process, by the way. But faith in new ideas must be confirmed through behavior. Having determined the realism and noting obvious ways to solve the problem (Money flows like sand through your fingers), make a balanced statement in writing, in which you believe at least 30% of the time. It's better if you believe 80-90%. For example: “The money was quickly running out because prices were rising, and I continued to work in a low-paid job and did not see other ways to improve my financial situation...” Agree, it sounds more realistic than: “Money is constantly coming to me.” ".So. Some people should start with realistic, balanced statements - affirmations. For the first option, positive (fantastic) ones are toxic. “I am a magnet for money” and other money affirmations that are not confirmed by facts will allow someone to tune their brain to the desired wavelength. He will begin to filter the world around him, noticing new opportunities, and the Universe will truly be abundant. But this doesn’t always work and not for everyone. Have you tried changing your money thinking through affirmations? What were the results, if it’s not a secret? To be continued. Money thinking 5 hours. Sincerely, practicing psychologist, member of the Automatic Transmission Committee of St. Petersburg, author of books Peter Galigarov - I help individuals who want to improve relationships!
