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When we work at depth with the core of the personality, the entire configuration built around it is affected. Usually, we are dragged to conquer or capture Everest in the name of some kind of trauma. It is this engine that gives strength. - I will show that I will not die under the fence, as you all promised me! - I will never be like you. You can be normal and I’ll show you how! - You’ll look and understand, but I won’t even look in your direction! Or else: - I’ll do it for you, no matter what the cost! - This is my cross and I have to bear it. And Here is a man giving his injury a business form. It reflects how he decided to deal with the problem. All the dynamics of the business reveal his conflicts, almost all the threads lead to his personal history. And if he withstands these movements, powerful movements, it must be said, in resonances with his employees, partners, suppliers, his trauma may begin to drag on. Maybe this does not mean that it is so. A person can rise to some world peaks, but still not feel complete. Marilyn Monroe received great fame, but not her father's love. There are many examples of men and women who kill themselves in an attempt to resolve spiritual wounds and fall to their deaths on rocks. Fortunately, now there is somewhere to go with this and not live to see a heart attack or suicide at 30 years old. Let’s say that a person is treating his wounds. If we heal, then the activity or business that did this spiritual work ceases to be as entertaining and does not drag us into it as before. And so a man did not touch the pain for 20 years, made a career or business, and then he reached the point of “I don’t want - I won’t”). What now? Let’s exhale and remember that we have a lot of unresolved traumas and there’s a big queue inside... The place is never empty. True, the further we are treated, the more interested we are in the fate of humanity and the planet. Yes, love begins to circulate in the blood and this is good for everyone. With this difficult puzzle, a person needs to replace the engine, like the engine in a car. So you rode on anger and rejection, you got tired like crazy, your physicality was destroyed, it was hollow and nightmare. And now, slowly and calmly, we need to replace the engine on the fly with an eco-version, very slowly and all while the processes are running. First you drive a hybrid, and then you gently move this toxic structure out of your space. How will business be? What about a career? Now, what you have built is free from trauma and it will be much easier to manage. Of course, another injury may or may not occur in this place. New meanings and values ​​may simply appear - a business or career will begin to change into a vector of serving people. And if, indeed, a good deed is embedded in this form of implementation, then with a high probability it will continue to live, because it is important to people. Business bears part of some larger trauma of the country and gives a real solution to people - that’s great. Psychological consultations, field therapy, business consulting, shamanism to achieve the goal
