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Why do you choose men whom you need to write to, call yourself? This happens already at the initial stage. You are active in relationships, you are a breadwinner. Perhaps you raise your self-esteem by the fact that you are so good for finding such a worthy man. But men are warriors, men are owners, they choose women themselves. Your strategy will only be successful with a man who is a gift. She doesn’t fit with those you choose. But this cool man chose you himself, and then you got involved. At what point did you switch to him? When you realized that there would be no more reasons for meeting, then you began to “get” him. On the last day of your project. The last evening is not only the last for you, it is also the last for him. If you are a prize, you behave easily, and this is not about fate, fate, and so on, but about behavioral things. If you are interested in warriors, you will always need to run a little. If you like a good warrior man, and you asked him well, then you will attract him. This is the kind of man who needs a prize - a prize. Then you need to look not for the owner, but for the warrior. And your whole life will need to be called upon. To play, to be a prize, not to be tempted quickly, for the sake of those distant needs. At the same time, you also devalue the activity of men, those who are active towards you, and you also devalue your own activity. Then who Should it be active? Then it’s an ambush. This is about the fact that for you to need a person is a manifestation of need, weakness. You allow this only in business relationships or for personal interests, but not in the way that “I like you,” you cannot even admit to a person that you like him. But besides business relationships and needs, people communicate for some reason . Relationships seem impossible for you if they don’t fit into three scenarios: 1) needs; 2) spend time; 3) business Think about why you need further communication, what you like about the people who surround you. Try to confess your feelings to them. Sign up for a consultation on my website: smirrnova.ru or by phone: 8-903-747-44-68
