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Hypnosis and hypnotic techniques can be used in almost all areas of life. But I would like to note the particular effectiveness of hypnosis in the area of ​​pain and control over these sensations. And even the antediluvian methods of direct suggestion work here. For example, you can achieve complete cessation of pain impulses, or localize them in certain areas of the body. The principle of hypnotic pain relief Direct and direct instructions (suggestions) and relaxation techniques can help direct the human psyche toward getting rid of pain. The first ones act faster and last longer, but the maximum effect is achieved using both techniques. Only a doctor has the right to work with pain. If not, prepare for the most deadly consequences. Special direct suggestions are designed to eliminate or significantly reduce pain, but other unpleasant accompaniments of pain remain. For example, if your leg hurts and, thanks to suggestion, the pain has significantly decreased, you will continue to feel your leg, and therefore be aware of a certain anxiety that it brings you. You will understand where and in what position your leg is, and experience heat, cold or tingling in it (depending on the type and degree of suggestion). Anesthesia and pain relief are very different things. Anesthesia, unlike anesthesia, does not deprive you of the ability to feel your body and its individual parts. Hypnosis and your concentration on a specific object blurs the boundaries of perception, which provides significant benefits and allows you to feel pain less acutely. Pain-relieving suggestions The following statements are very effective and can be used independently: - The pain will now decrease. - Now I will relax, and the pain will gradually begin to recede, after a while I will hardly notice it. - The pain does not exist, the discomfort was temporary and will go away after I realize it. Such self-hypnosis techniques are very simple and accessible to everyone. However, remember that pain is often a sign of an internal imbalance that only a doctor can determine. Also, pain can be a sign of a certain disease, and it is better to get rid of the disease itself with hypnotherapy than just from pain with hypnosis. Hypnosis and hypnotherapy are extremely different things, despite the fact that they have the same root. Also one hypnotherapist is never equal to another hypnotherapist.
