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Good afternoon, my reader, colleague, client and just a passerby! I walked and walked and finally came! I came to you in the most literal sense of the word and I will write about you! I thought of nothing more, nothing less, but a book, or maybe a small book. And I really hope that it will be useful to everyone who comes across it. And there are no accidents, because what we need at that very moment “caught our eye.” “I exist because You exist!” Introduction A little to begin with. There are different views on the essence of man, reflected in different time periods and in the eyes of one or another thinker. The most famous is Descartes’ “Cogito ergo sum.” I am because I think. Lacan’s “I think where I do not exist and I exist where I do not think.” I exist because I feel or because it is reflected in another (his view). Freud said this in such a way that consciousness is determined by the unconscious, namely instincts (libido). Jung gave primacy to the Self - the unique I of a person and did not consider libido as a set of instincts and suppressed desires, but as creative energy. Engels said that work made man a man. Disputes about who is right and who was wrong are still raging. In my opinion, completely unfounded, because each author contributed into his theory part of his personal experience and reflected in it the trends of his time. And all this was about her, about human nature. We are amazing creations, born of the kingdom of Animals and separated from it, becoming a unique species, unique in its being! And all this we humans are instinctive, feeling, thinking, creating, creative and wondering about the meaning of our own existence. What is the meaning if I feel, have instincts, think, do, create? The meaning is in me? And, yes and no, my reader. The true meaning is found when I understand what everything (I) is for, or rather for whom. Hello, my dear reader! Don’t be surprised by my addressing you “dear.” You may exclaim, “Well, we don’t know each other at all! How can I be dear to you?” always obey and you will be right. It happens in different ways, BUT we do not exist without each other! I am writing this book and my I exists because there is I, the writer, and You, the reader. There is that Other without whom my I loses its meaning. If I write, I am a writer, because I write, but my Self is not complete without you, the one who reads what I write about, the one who needs my words. I need you no less than you need a taxi driver, when you are in a hurry to work or a cow and a milkmaid, buying milk in a store. We need each other because we - people - are social beings. Isolation, misrecognition, rejection are tantamount to death for each of us. This is our human essence. I dedicate this book to you, Another person, to the one who is reading it now, holding it in his hands or from the screen of an electronic medium (I really hope that our meeting will happen very soon). There were different times in my life, and if If I had started this book then, it would have been called differently. Approximate options are: “A book that was not written by me.” This is how I wrote when I did it impulsively, that is, I wrote unconsciously, that is, I wrote not I, but It (the unconscious). Teenagers often write this way. That’s how I once wrote, mostly poetry that flowed onto paper. “The Book That the Wounded Self Wrote” (collections of stories “Mandala of Life” and “Mandala of Life-2”). This was a transition from poetry to prose. In this way, the traumatized part of me was rebuilt and healed. It was a great work of the soul. “Notes of a Hysterical Woman” is the real first paper book. Application for authorship and a happy women's story. A small book, but mine! I am still writing about Svetka. I love her very much and everyone who was in the book next to her. Svetka is a metaphor for hope for a better future. Then there were other women’s stories,!
