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From the author: From the book “The Way of the Warrior of the Spirit or the Awakening of God...” Why is it said: “replace fear with love” - because fear is the opposite of love. Many people believe that the opposite of love is hate. This is wrong. Hate, no matter how strange it may sound, is part of the energy of love. In life you can often observe when love and hate stand side by side. And it seemed that a person who hates another experiences a feeling of love in his soul. Anger and hatred are an impulse of the human soul, which can be negative and destructive, and sometimes purposefully useful and necessary. The energy of love contains positive and negative feelings. Man himself determines the focus of this Great Energy. Fear is not just a negative feeling, fear is the energy of compression and paralysis. Fear prevents a person from realizing his strength, from demonstrating the endless possibilities of his soul. Fear is introduced into a person’s consciousness from childhood, and is fixed at the psycho-physical level. The most amazing thing is that fear is created by man himself. In true reality there is no fear, but only Love. Fear is a consequence of immersion in the illusion of creation, where a person constantly fights for his survival, faces many problems, worries about his loved ones, sees illness and death. The vibration of fear is a very strong vibration that is supported and nourished by the collective consciousness of society. This is why it is very difficult to overcome and neutralize fear, being in a society that has forgotten its spiritual roots, and a life in which there is no fear. Parents, teachers, priests consciously and unconsciously contribute to a person experiencing different types of fears. A paradoxical situation arises: God, who is Love, plunging into the world of matter experiences fear. It turns out that God is afraid of himself. Isn't it absurd?! But, unfortunately, the reality is this: man, having forgotten his divine nature, began to live in fear. Fear cannot be defeated and it is useless to fight it for one single reason: fear is an illusion. Fear exists only in the world of illusions, and most importantly in the consciousness of a person who is identified with this world. If a person does not realize his spiritual basis, then in this case fear cannot be overcome. Illusion cannot defeat illusion. Fear is embedded in the illusion of the world and is part of it. While in a sleeping consciousness, one can overcome minor personal fears; the main fears will only be suppressed. The main personal fears are the fear of losing a loved one, the fear of loneliness, the fear of death. These fears go away only when a person begins to see the Truth: “There is no Death. There is only Life.” When a person has realized the illusion of death and his divine self, any fears cease to exist. All fears revolve around something called “personality”. Personality is an ephemeral being, a mask that does not have its root of life, but is only a manifestation of the soul in the world of creative play. That is why, one can say: “fears die when the personality ‘dies’.” The death of the “personality” is a psychological phenomenon, disidentification with the temporary phenomena of life. When a person says: “I am not the body, I am not the mind, I am not the personality,” then there is awareness of his timeless soul, which is not subject to death. Disidentification with a person occurs with a purposeful movement towards a given goal through constant meditative practices and reflection. Spiritual disciplines based on daily work on oneself in relation to the eradication of various habits, neutralization of negative feelings, strengthening the state of unity with life - leads to the consolidation of spiritual consciousness and, accordingly, to a decrease in the vibration of fear, anxiety in the soul. Fear is the rejection of certain aspects of life. If a person is not whole within Himself, then there are those aspects of life that are not accepted and not realized. Gaining integrity comes through love, since love is the path to unity. Love-Unity permeates/
