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WHY DOES A WOMAN HAVE A MAN? Women are sensitive, vulnerable creatures, and for the most part they hate loneliness. Women are controlled by feelings, so they look for warmth, affection, love and... their man. Almost any woman who says that she doesn’t need a man secretly dreams of him and doesn’t want to be lonely at all. She wants that unbridled passion, romance, flowers, confessions. She wants to go through life, leaning on a strong man's shoulder and hide from adversity in the cozy arms of a man... Finally, she just wants to start a family and give birth to a child. Why does she need all this? As soon as a woman has a man or she begins to notice the interested glances of representatives of the opposite sex, she begins what is called “blooming and smelling.” She changes not only externally - she changes her makeup, buys new clothes, puts on dresses and jewelry more often; but also internally. A woman simply glows from within, she becomes more confident, more sensual and even... more attractive in the eyes of men. That is, with the help of a man, a woman feels most beautiful and most desirable. A man can inspire her to go on a diet, sign up for aerobics, change her image or get a facelift. The feeling of falling in love - what could be more beautiful in a relationship? Listening to the love stories of her friends, a woman also wants to experience love in all its manifestations. Walks in the evening park, late-night frank conversations on the phone, passionate and sensual sex... In the first stages of a relationship, a woman finally feels needed. She has someone to care about, and there is someone who will take care of her. Finally, she can throw out her emotions, talk about her fears and desires, because she now has a listener. That is, every woman needs attention and care, she needs a person who will understand and support her in difficult times. At a certain moment, a woman has an irresistible desire to give birth to a child. When a man simply says - Yes, I agree to have a child; The woman’s body itself tells her about this. This can manifest itself in different ways: one person constantly wants sex, another has thoughts about a child during ovulation or before the start of the monthly cycle. A woman takes someone else’s child in her arms, inhales its scent, squeezes its cheeks and understands that I want it too. Whatever one may say, nature intended it so that a man and a woman should continue their family line. The man should be the breadwinner in the family. And even if this is far from the case, the woman still wants it. Even the most successful businesswoman, who works like a horse, sometimes wants to be a beautiful silly girl in the pay of a man. But in any case, at least for the period of maternity leave, a woman needs financial support from her husband. Of course, people, and especially women, are different. Some simply dream of marrying a rich man and living like Christ in his bosom. Here, naturally, there can be no talk of any love. Some, tired of loneliness, choose the first person they meet, as they say, so as not to be alone. There are cases when women, having not found a suitable man, have a child “for themselves,” without thinking about the consequences of fatherlessness. And in conclusion, the answer to the question: why does a woman need a man? we can draw a simple conclusion, which is probably the truism. Nature itself created a man and a woman for each other, so in spite of everything they simply must be together. By the way, in ancient texts, when the Almighty created man and woman, the word “man” was translated as man and woman together, and not separately.
