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First, let's remember who the inner child is. The inner child recreates our childhood thoughts and feelings, aspirations, fears, reactions and attitudes towards ourselves and others. He is responsible for our impulses and reckless actions, curiosity and creativity. Security and certainty are important for this state. If contact with the inner child is disrupted, then the person may feel unsafe and may not have internal support and support. This happened to my client. She made the request “I want to grow in income.” When collecting an anamnesis and a subsequent meeting, we came to the conclusion that there was no contact with the inner child. After all, in fact, it is the inner child who feels unsafe, he is scared and he does not know how to earn money, because he has a significant adult who does this for him. And in order to reduce the level of anxiety, worries and self-confidence - it is important to get to know your inner child. How to do this? The simplest and one of my favorite ways is meditation. Thanks to meditation, we plunge into our inner world, as if opening every door, every memory and return to ourselves 4-5-7 years ago, when we were small, carefree, happy and we believed that when we grow up, we will fulfill all our dreams and goals. And imagine that you are looking at this beautiful miracle, with the most beautiful eyes in the world and saying that you will take care of him, that you are always near and with you together everything will work out! That today you are a parent for your inner child! And parents take care of their children! And so, when you managed to get to know your inner child, establish contact with him, at least make him believe you a little, then your feelings towards yourself will no longer be the same. What happened to the client after contact with her inner child? Her words: as if all this time my inner child was sitting behind the wheel of a car and steering, and I, an adult, was sitting in the back seat and watching this, only he was scared and did not understand where to go ... Every day, before going to bed, I told him “I’m with you, you’re safe, I’ll take care of you,” and he believes me! Thanks to contact with the inner child, I improved relationships with friends, my mother, and most importantly, I stopped listening to what society dictates .I was so inspired by our work that I created my first cartoon. An idea arose about an inner child and an inner parent, and I decided to implement it this way. My first animation experience. Video to watch ↓————————You can continue to live in an anxious state and hate what is happening to you, or you can remember yourself as a little girl and think, is she (he) deserves this? But did she (she) want this? I can say one thing! Everything can be healed and worked through through personal therapy! You can live differently and not all people live not in self-love or in anxiety, stress, panic, etc. what do you choose? Don't forget to watch the cartoon and write how you felt thanks to it? If you liked the article, please leave a heart - this will help me better understand you and your interests! Thank you)
