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From the author: the article was published in the journal "Bulletin of Integrative Psychology" issue 8 2010. ed. Kozlov V.V. The problem of mental health has attracted the attention of many researchers from various fields of science and practice: doctors, psychologists, teachers, philosophers, sociologists, but only in 1979 the World Health Organization introduced the concept of “mental health”. It is considered as a state of mental well-being, characterized by the absence painful mental phenomena and providing adequate regulation of behavior and activity to the surrounding reality. The main condition for mental well-being is a calm and friendly environment created through the constant presence of parents or their substitutes, who are attentive to the emotional needs of the child and carry out the necessary supervision. Psychological aspect of mental health involves attention to the child’s inner world: to his confidence or lack of self-confidence, his abilities, his understanding of his own abilities and interests; his attitude towards people, the surrounding world, ongoing social events, and life as such. Preschool age, like no other, is characterized by a strong dependence on an adult, and the passage of this stage of personality development is largely determined by how the child’s relationship with an adult develops. The style of adults’ attitude towards influences the child not only on the development of a certain style of child behavior, but also on the mental health of children; Thus, a child’s uncertainty about an adult’s positive attitude toward himself or, conversely, confidence in a negative assessment of him as a person provokes suppressed aggressiveness. If a child perceives an adult’s attitude towards himself as negative, then the adult’s attempts to encourage the child to communicate cause him to feel embarrassed and anxious. A long-term deficit of emotionally consonant communication between at least one adult and a child gives rise to the latter’s uncertainty about the positive attitude of adults in general towards him, causes a feeling of anxiety and a feeling of emotional distress. Many of the child’s problems originate in broken (problematic) relationships with parents. Disturbed parental, especially maternal, attitude is considered as a significant factor in the occurrence of certain mental development disorders in children. Thus, some researchers consider inadequate maternal attitude towards the child in early childhood as an environmental factor in the development of schizophrenia (Skoblo, Severny, Balandina). Communication with a child using the type of double bind, when one message contradicts the other, and the lack of logic in the parent’s behavior contribute to the progression of thinking disorders. Violation of associative processes, the ability for logical thinking, and conceptual thinking make the child unable to understand and fulfill the contradictory demands of the parents (Eidemiller, Justitskis). Observations and research data show that excessively strict or even despotic upbringing develops in children such character traits as uncertainty and shyness , fearfulness, dependence and, less commonly, excitability and aggressiveness. Excessive attention and satisfaction of all the child’s desires leads to the development of hysterical character traits with egocentrism and lack of self-control. Lack of upbringing as such leads to excitability and an antisocial type of behavior. Disharmony in family relationships and family upbringing or disturbances in the area of ​​parent-child relationships affects the mental health or ill health of children. In preschool age, the child cannot yet navigate the intricacies of interpersonal communication well, is not capable understand the causes of conflicts between parents, does not have the means to express their own feelings and experiences. Therefore, quarrels between parents are perceived by the child as an alarming event; he tends to feel.
