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From the author: the article was published on the website of the psychological center "Peremena" Early development groups or Toddler groups "Toddler groups" - this name is increasingly appearing in the services offered by development centers in Voronezh. What it is is impossible to understand from the name. The word toddler itself cannot be translated into Russian in one word - it is a child aged from one to three years. In English there is a concept for this word, just like we have for “teenager”. And not by chance. Like adolescence, the Toddler age is considered the most difficult for both the development of the child’s personality and for his parents. This is a small, and for some, dress rehearsal for the crisis of adolescence. The child loudly declares his independence and demands recognition of his independence. This age begins from the moment of separation from parents, namely from the child’s first independent steps. A whole world of new opportunities opens up before him, and parents have a lot of anxiety and worry. This is a period of character formation - much learned during this period becomes a life style of behavior. Perhaps the most important acquisition of this age is the ability to control... Emotions, desires, excretory processes (the potty often becomes a stumbling block for parents and children at this age). And all these difficulties most often fall on the shoulders of the mother, as the main caregiver. It’s hard for a mother, it’s hard for a baby. A group of toddlers, or an early development group, is designed to help a couple, mother and baby, cope with these difficulties and prepare for a new stage - preschool childhood. Although these groups are called early development groups, classes in them do not follow the usual “school-kindergarten” scenario. And this is done intentionally. The English psychoanalysts who created the first groups were confident (and we completely agree with them) that at this age emotions develop to a greater extent - the child faces his own aggression, resentment, joy, anxiety and learns to control them. He suddenly realizes that his wishes cannot always be fulfilled immediately - he needs to wait. It is very difficult for parents to withstand the whims of a child, teach him to be obedient and at the same time not kill his activity, spontaneity, and interest in new things. Development at this age occurs exclusively through interaction with adults, primarily with the mother. Unfortunately, parents often think that their child can be successful in life only if he is “smart” - development is understood only as the development of intelligence. But forcing a one and a half year old baby to sit at a desk is difficult and even harmful. Of course, you can get him to read and count, but you should remember the following. Until the age of three, intellectual development occurs in the child’s communication with loved ones and in spontaneous play, in interaction and play with peers. The baby learns the concept of the shape of an object, its color and structure from studying these objects and playing with them. To do this, it is enough to simply be near the child, answer his questions, explain what is happening around him. Letters are unnecessary and unimportant for a child of this age - he can remember them, but there is no purpose for him in this. If we want more, the intellect will develop, but at the expense of the emotional sphere or physical development. Therefore, our classes are, first of all, an opportunity to spend an hour and a half with your baby without household chores and fuss, to play with him and watch him play. Two psychologists leading the groups will help you understand difficult situations, see ways to resolve “insoluble” situations, and cope with hysterics, shyness, aggressiveness or fears of the child. The child himself, in a space controlled by adults, learns to cope with his emotions, defend toys or, conversely, wait his turn, and take advantage of the experience of other children. This is good preparation for kindergarten. And when the child turns three years old, we will be happy to offer you “classic” educational.
