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I recently watched the famous TV series “Sex and the City” and one of the episodes gave me one thought - how often we consider ourselves unworthy of our partners. This is more common among women. Many women, even after marriage, go to bed with full makeup on, afraid of appearing to their husband in a “washed” state and not liking him in this way. Often a woman believes that if a man is perfect (in her opinion), then when he sees that she is just a person who may have diarrhea and acne, he will simply leave her. After all, he is ideal and she “THIS” cannot fit into his life. Men, in turn, often confirm these myths. They see in their ladies only a beautiful woman and rarely a friend, a mother, a person with shortcomings. On the one hand, this situation looks like this: he/she is an ideal, and I am not worthy. It may be the other way around, when I am a star and you are not worthy of me. But believe me, these people, as a rule, simply do not know how to accept themselves as they are, and this is important. After all, then you will learn to accept other people, it will become easier for you to communicate, solve some difficult situations, grow and develop in life. If a girl says that she doesn't like heels and dresses, most likely her parents did not initiate her as a teenager from a teenage girl into a woman - beautiful and confident. And if a young man dresses casually, expresses himself rudely and sincerely shows with all his appearance that he is strong in women’s affairs and can achieve everyone - most likely his parents simply did not give him the necessary amount of affection and tenderness, he had to grow up ahead of time. All these are people who do not accept themselves as they can be or already are, they simply hide it inside themselves. The worst thing is that they hide all this wealth from themselves, and not from others. The following situation often occurs - “I want a good job, salary, family, etc., but I still can’t do it, until apparently my time". In this situation, philosophizing, of course, can be useful, but... Think about it - do you really want this, do you want this, do you imagine the path along which you will get to this??? Often our life goals are stalled precisely because we are not ready to accept ourselves, we are not ready to accept the situations that come to us in life. Perhaps you are just following social opinion and you don't really want a good job and salary, but just want to enjoy what you do. Perhaps you do not need the kind of family that society so often talks about, perhaps you are aimed at something else. We are all people from different planets and, naturally, we are different and have different ideas about the ideal. And that's great! After all, you must admit, if all people were the same, they would simply get bored of each other. Thus, a man and a woman complement each other - he with his strength and confidence, she with her beauty and tenderness. Moreover, each of us has a certain number of roles that are included at certain moments, stages of life. They give us the opportunity to be flexible, to adapt to each other and to the situation. By accepting each of the roles, you can become a more flexible, deeper and interesting person, first of all, for yourself. Remember, we are all “humans” and each of us has something to be proud of! Author Maria Khachaturova
